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2011-08-29 French senate approves burqa ban / 法國參議院通過布卡禁令 (41) (0)
2011-08-29 Japanese manga heroes join fight to save Arabic culture / 日本漫畫英雄加入拯救阿拉伯文化的行列 (6) (0)
2011-08-29 Philippines admits police may have shot some hostages in bus standoff / 菲律賓承認在公車脅持事件中警方可能有誤射人質 (95) (0)
2011-08-29 China to boost surveillance of superbug that resists antibiotics / 中國將加強防控具抗藥性的超級病毒 (23) (0)
2011-08-29 6 charged in human trafficking scheme involving Thai workers / 六名人士因販賣泰國人口而被起訴 (27) (0)
2011-08-29 Fears grow over global food supply / 全球糧食供給問題引發恐慌 (64) (0)
2011-08-29 Study: Weight-loss drug ups risk of heart attack, stroke in some / 研究顯示減肥藥會提高部份人士得心臟病及中風的危險 (136) (0)
2011-08-29 French police raid home of L'Oreal heiress / 法國警方搜查萊雅女繼承人的屋子 (28) (0)
2011-08-29 Study: Smoking pot may ease chronic pain / 研究顯示抽大麻能減輕慢性疼痛 (65) (0)
2011-08-29 Kepler space telescope finds pair of distant planets, NASA says / NASA公佈開普勒太空望遠鏡發現兩顆遠方行星 (10) (0)
2011-08-29 Children suffer in flooded Pakistan / 孩童們在淹水的巴基斯坦受苦 (37) (0)
2011-08-29 Live organ donation: Lifesaving but risky / 活體器官捐贈: 能救命但有風險 (2704) (0)
2011-08-29 10 things Obama must do in 10 weeks / 歐巴馬十週內須做的十件事 (100) (0)
2011-08-29 380 million eggs recalled over possible salmonella tainting / 三億八千萬顆蛋因可能的沙門氏菌污染而召回 (19) (0)
2011-08-29 Beware of fake Facebook 'dislike' button / 小心假的 Facebook 「厭惡」鈕 (45) (0)
2011-08-29 Who owns Michelangelo's David, Italy or Florence? / 米開朗基羅的「大衛雕像」屬於義大利還是佛羅倫斯?? (159) (0)
2011-08-29 Venice soon to have first female gondolier / 威尼斯將出現首位女搖船者 (23) (0)
2011-08-29 Zimbabwe launches 'humane' diamonds sale / 辛巴威開始「人道鑽石」的銷售 (23) (0)
2011-08-29 China launches milk powder investigation / 中國展開奶粉調查 (27) (0)
2011-08-29 Former Mexican president favors legalizing drugs / 墨西哥前總統支持毒品合法化 (33) (0)
2011-08-29 Man freed after fatal Toyota crash 'tried everything' to stop car / 因豐田車而造成死亡車禍的男子重獲自由 重申當時有盡力想將車停下 (23) (0)
2011-08-29 Proposition 8: Long road to the Supreme Court / 八號提案: 要到最高法院仍是條慢慢長路 (12) (0)
2011-08-29 Missouri voters say no to mandatory health insurance / 密蘇里州的投票人拒絕強制健保 (30) (0)
2011-08-29 ISAF: Suicide bombing kills 5 children in Afghanistan / 國際安全援助部隊: 自殺炸彈攻擊在阿富汗造成五孩童死亡 (43) (0)
2011-08-29 HSBC profit hits $11.1bn as bad debts fall / 呆帳減少使匯豐的收益達111億美元 (45) (0)
2011-08-29 Japan carries out first executions in a year 日本執行一年以來的首次死刑 (133) (0)