
新聞來源: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/americas/09/07/mexico.gun.training/index.html


今日單字:  fire  [v.]  =  射擊、開槍、開砲



(一) 今日單字的其他意思 及 變化


fire  [v.]

1.  起火、燃燒  ( e.g. My stove won't fire up, it needs to be fixed. )

2.  解雇、開除  ( e.g.  We need to fire Tom. He's dragging us down. )

3.  激起、使...激動、煽動  ( e.g. Soldiers are fired by their love for their country. )

**也常用fire up  = 「激起」**

4.  用窯烘製  ( e.g.  Pottery is usually fired in a kiln. )

5.  以...為燃料、加添燃料  ( e.g.  Oil fires those lamps. )


fire  [n.]

1.  火、爐火  ( e.g.  Don't play with fire. )

2.  火災  ( e.g.  Forest fires are a bag problem in dry areas. )

3.  砲火、火力、射擊  ( e.g.  The soldiers were under fire. )

4.  取暖器  ( e.g.  The electric fire is broken. )

5.  熱情、激情  ( e.g.  The fire in his heart drives him to do more. )



(二) 好用片語、俚語、成語及名言


A burnt child dreads the fire.



Fight fire with fire.



There's no smoke without fire.  /  Where there's smoke, there's fire

無風不起浪  /  空穴不來風


Have too many irons in the fire.


e.g.  Peter has too many irons in the fire. He really needs to slow down.



(三) 延伸討論


Do you think the government should be training people to use guns ?

Although I can understand the reason behind this plan, I don't think that it will help lower the crime rate or help protect more people.

Violence is never the answer !!


Would you feel safer if you had a gun at home ?


Tell us what you think by commenting below.....








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