Philippines admits police may have shot some hostages in bus standoff / 菲律賓承認在公車脅持事件中警方可能有誤射人質




今日單字: admit  [v.]  =  承認



(一) 今日單字的其他意思,變化及片語


admit  [v.]

1.  准許...進入、加入  ( This ticket admits two people. )

2.  可容納、容許

3.  入醫院


admittance [n.]

1.  入場許可

2.  通道


admittable [adj.]

1.  可容許的、許可入進的


admitted [adj.]

1.  公認的

2.  不可否認的


admittedly  [adv.]

1.  公認地

2.  不可否認地 ( Admittedly, I shouldn't have shouted at her like that. )



(二) 相關字及片語


confess  [v.]

1.  坦白、 供認、承認


confess  [v.]

1.  承認


concede  [v.]

1.  承認 ( 可含不甘心的意味 )


come clean  [片]

1.  全盤托出、招供


own up  [片]

1.  坦白



(三) 好用成語及名言


" Take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly, and try another. But by all means, try something. " -- Franklin D. Roosevelt

「 選個方法去嘗試。要是失敗就坦白承認,然後再試另一個方法。請務必要試試看!! 」-- 富蘭克林 · D · 羅斯福  (美國第三十二任總統 )



(四) 延伸討論


Do you think the Philippines should be punished for what happened ?

Who do you think is most responsible for the tragic ending ?


I think the gunman is the most responsible. No matter how the case was handled by the government, none of this would have happened  if the gunman had used another method to get his point across.


What do you think ??

Tell us by commenting below







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