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Word of The Day


inaugural speeches [n.] 總統的就職演說 

歐巴馬這個禮拜一即將發表就職演說,這個專欄特別提出,每一任總統的就職演說都講的很好聽,但卻不切實際。演說的時候,總是充滿了big words和promises that are not happening! 



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Word It Up!


"Liberty -- liberty within the law -- and civilization are inseparable, and though both were threatened, we find them now secure; and there comes to Americans the profound assurance that our representative government is the highest expression and surest guaranty of both."


Liberty 自由; 在這裡是指人民的自由

Civilization 文明; 這裡是指民主的意思

Profound 深遠的; 這邊是用來形容美國政府會持續的保證給予人民自由和民主 


They fail, first, because the grandeur of the occasion inspires new presidents and their teams tooverblown rhetoric, even as their political advisers steer them away from too specific commitments. Grand language wrapped around a thin message produces only vapid blather.


Grandeur 富麗堂皇; 在這裡是指就職典禮的大場面

Overblown rhetoric 過於吹捧的修辭性字眼; 指說話時使用過多華麗虛飾的詞句

Steer away 擺脫; 總統就職演說要擺脫過於確切的承諾(以免日後做不到,反而弄巧成拙)

Grand language 說話時,使用許多冠冕堂皇的字眼

Thin message 要傳遞的訊息過於微薄

Vapid blather 索然無味的廢話; 指失敗的演說總是使用過多無謂的字眼,讓整場充滿了許多廢話,重點卻沒有幾個


But there's another source of failure, one not so easily corrected. Inaugural addresses can fail even when the ideas are clear, even when the writing is fine, if the addresses make commitments that theensuing presidency cannot deliver.


Ensuring presidency 之後的就任期間; 這裡是指出另一種演說失敗的原因,是因為,總統講出的話,在之後就任期間,沒有能力完成或是無法兌現,這個時候,就算就職典禮上,講得再棒,對人民來說也等於沒說,反而會令人覺得出爾反爾。


An inaugural address is a plan for what is to come. Even a good president can deliver a bad speech. In fact, they usually do. But however beautifully written, a speech can only be made great by the presidency that follows. An inaugural address is a plan, and the test of a plan is the result.




A speech can fail all by itself. Its ideas can be weak, its language can be foggy. But even if the ideas are clear and the words crisp, an inaugural address can be deemed "great" only if it is followed by actions that make good on its lofty words. This is why we still remember the mighty words of Lincoln and FDR and why we forget almost all the others. 


Foggy 霧茫茫的; 這裡是指演說講得讓人聽的霧煞煞

Crisp 脆; 是指用字遣詞很清脆響亮

Lofty words 高遠的字眼

Mighty words 偉大的字眼; 這邊特別指出人們特別記得林肯總統發表的偉大演說,因為他都做到了。



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