就在上個禮拜二,一大頭條就是美國政府決定要關門了~主要的原因是甚麼呢? 因為共和黨和民主黨在國會議會上,針對Obama的一項全民健保措施Obamacare進行決議,不過,兩黨各持看法,爭論不已,就在擬定明年的開銷預算時,兩黨商議破局。因此造成其中一項政府開支無法通過,主要會受到影響的有那些支付小型企業借款的單位,另外,還有辦理護照的機構。其他像是,社會保險單位、航空局和軍隊開銷等,都還是照常營運。而政府雖然停工,國會還是有給薪喔! 大家應該會想說,現在才十月初而已,為什麼老早就在表決開銷預算,因為,美國政府的財政年度其實是從每年的十月一號到隔年的九月三十號。
Word of The Day
So what is ObamaCare and what does it mean to you? There are really only a few things you need to know about the Affordable Care Act.
- The Affordable Care Act contains over athousand pages of reforms to the insurance industry and the health care industry in order to cut health care costs and to provide affordable health insurance to all Americans.
- Before the law you could be denied coverage or treatment because you had been sick in the past, be charged more because you were a woman, be dropped mid-treatment for making a simple mistake on your application, and had little or no way to fight insurance company appeals.
- There are around 44 million Americans who currently are unable to get health insurance.One of the major things ObamaCare does is help these individuals to get health insurance through expanding Medicaid and Medicare and offering cost assistance to Americans who cannot currently afford health care.
- Most Americans will have to have health insurance by January 1st, 2014 or pay a fee on their year-end taxes. Many Americans will be eligible for subsidized health insurance costing anywhere from 0% - 9.5% of their taxable income. Subsidized insurance can be purchased through the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Tell Me About It!
Do you think ObamaCare is the right thing to do?
What do you feel about the National Health Insurance in Taiwan?
Do you think it is important to have health insurance coverage for everyone?
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