萬聖節才剛過,相信大家都有小小的裝扮成各式各樣的妖魔鬼怪吧? 今天就跟大家分享,往生者的家在東西方社會也有很大的不同喔! 接著看下去讓你大開眼界~

Green-Wood Cemetery, New York City

這個位在紐約市區的墓園,1838年建立,鳥瞰自由女神像,園中還有許多美麗的湖泊、教堂、和歷史悠久的博物館。在這個墓園,白天你可以自由的參觀,甚至,還會有人帶你遊覽或是導覽解說,另外,還有提供觀光遊覽車帶你遊園喔! 酷吧? 如果你不怕的話,還可以加入一個tour,帶你探索地下墓地喔~


Granary Burying Ground, Boston

在這波士頓的小幕園裡,葬了許多在Revolutionary War戰死的英勇戰士們,在這邊,許多的墓碑都有各自獨特的雕刻,就連門口的柵欄入口,也是以埃及復興風格的雕刻呈現,非常的值得一看!

The towering Egyptian Revival gate that marks the entryway is a work of art in its own right. Open daily, the Granary Burying Ground has excellent signage to point out the most famous -- and infamous--graves.

Mount Pleasant, Toronto

在多倫多的這個墓園,不要驚訝,你在這裡可以看到很多人在慢跑、推嬰兒推車散步,基本上,你會覺得他是個美麗的公園~ 而且,是這個公園,住了很多永久居民喔~

If you're not used to seeing cemeteries filled with baby strollers and joggers, brace yourself before visiting Mount Pleasant. It's best to regard it as a public park that happens to have a lot of permanent residents.

St. Louis Cemetery No. 1, New Orleans

這個墓園是在美國的紐奧蘭,這裡的地窖是用白色油漆刷洗出來,而且還有很多雕刻,配上金屬的閘門,有一種詭異的美感,還吸引了一部電影Easy Rider來取景呢!

Its whitewashed crypts, some topped with mournful statues and surrounded by wrought-iron gates, have a ghostly beauty that has been captured on film, most famously in "Easy Rider."

Highgate Cemetery, London


Situated on 37 acres in North London, Highgate is as almost much a nature reserve as it is a historic resting place. Wild as a classic English garden, it features trees,shrubs and flowers growing without human intervention, and they provide cover to Highgate's many living inhabitants, which include foxes.


Père-Lachaise, Paris


This is the ultimate Who's Who of graveyards. It was established by Napoleon himself in 1804, with the emperor declaring,"Every citizen has the right to be buried regardless of race or religion."


Old Jewish Cemetery, Prague


There was nowhere to go but up, and so centuries of tombs and monuments lie buried inside as more earth was brought in. There are some 12,000 tombstones at the top, though thousands more are buried here.


La Recoleta, Buenos Aires


In Argentina's capital city, Recoleta is considered a chief attraction. Walled off from the tony neighborhood it inhabits, it's effectively a city-within-the-city, founded in 1822 and filled with elaborately carved tombs and fine Italian statuary.


Cementerio General, Santiago

這個墓園有201公頃,其中以許多優雅的街道和大道分界,墓本身也特別巨大,不過,都是為了襯托Mayan temples、Venetian palazzos和其他巨型建築物

Spread over 210 acres, and divided into elegant streets and boulevards, the Cementerio General has massive tombs designed to resemble Mayan temples, Venetian palazzos and other grand structures — they're so huge, you might start to wonder whether any living family members could be inside, too.


Mount of Olives, Jerusalem


The Jewish cemetery contains biblical kings as well as more modern Israeli leaders such as Menahem Begin, but there are also Christian and Muslim burial grounds here. Wherever you stand on the mount, it offers a uniquely beautiful view of ancient, walled Jerusalem.


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