相信很多人都有同樣的煩惱,每次出國旅遊回來,就會多帶了兩三公斤的體重回來,因為,通常跟團出遊,就是上車睡覺,下車尿尿,根本就很少機會可以活動到,而且,旅行社通常都是包三餐。 所以,除了到定點的景點走走之外,就是等著被餵食。而且,在渡假的時候,大家應該都會有同樣的心態,就想說,都出來玩了,哪管那麼多,先吃再說,反正就是要出來放鬆的,減肥等到回國再說吧! 結果,回家之後,站上體重計的那一剎那,就會從天堂掉到地獄一般的晴天霹靂阿! CNN現在就教你,旅遊不一定要按照固定的模式跟團出遊,你可以選擇一些不同以忘的旅遊方式,可以讓你玩得更充實,而且,甚至可以減肥喔!
(CNN) -- As the New Year begins and resolutions are proclaimed, it's usually time to bring out the fad books, hop on a one-week juice fast, and fail after two days. But when it comes to serious weight loss, many people are swapping their regular holiday for a weight loss vacation. By cutting off distractions to everyday life and work, these trips offer individualized fitness and diet plans intended to last well beyond a week or two. Today's best weight loss vacations offer fitness adventure, spa detoxing, or medical programs to help people reach their weight loss goals through good food, engaged activities and proven medical advice.
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1. The Ranch, Live Oak Malibu, United States
The 120-acre ranch is set three miles above the Pacific Ocean in the Santa Monica Mountains, and offers programs on sustainable exercise -- low impact, moderate activity, such as daily hikes,yoga and core work with weights.
在美國的Santa Monica Mountains 上面,在這裡有一個120英畝大的牧場,有提供旅客各式各樣的登山活動、瑜珈課、另外還有重量訓練喔!
2. Lefay Resort & Spa, Lake Garda, Italy
Covering 3,000 square meters and featuring indoor and outdoor heated salt-water pools, five types of saunas and a crushed ice fountain, Lefay also encourages self-programmed lifestyles."You must enjoy life," says Dr. Maurizio Corradin, a Western-trained,Eastern-practicing doctor at the heart of the Lefay spa.
在義大利的Lake Garda有一個度假勝地叫做Lefay Resort & Spa,面積共有三千平方公尺,裡面包含了室內室外的 “鹽” 溫泉,有五種不同的Sauna (桑拿),還有一個冰做成的水池,在這裡你可以盡情的享受人生,盡情的放鬆喔!
3. Fitness Travel, Senegal
Fitness Travel Company's latest adventure in Senegal is an action-packed week full of beach runs, an 18-milecycle to a lion cub game reserve, kayaking to a private beach and learning African dance to the sound of local drums.
在塞內加爾有一種旅遊方式,為你安排一整個禮拜的健身運動,比如說,海灘慢跑、長達18 miles的自行車、划獨木舟到一個神祕的私人海灘、還有在充滿非洲鼓聲中練習非洲舞蹈。
4. Ti Sana, Lombardy, Italy
This family-owned resort, a former 18thcentury home with stone country walls and a state-of-the-art spa, guarantees fat loss over muscle and water weight loss as well as reducing other issues such as poor digestion.
5. Canyon Ranch, Tucson, United States
A former cattle ranch located in the Sonoran Desert, Canyon Ranch employs over 60 wellness professionals, including integrative medicine physicians, clinical grade nutritionists, exercise physiologists, spirituality practitioners and licensed behavioral therapists.
在美國的Tucson有另外一個牧場叫做Canyon Ranch,一樣,在這裡,你將會接受專業級的健身教練、物理師、心靈輔導師以及行為治療師、加上營養師,為你量身打造一個屬於你的課程。員工總共有60人
6. Talise Spa, Madinat Jumeriah, Dubai, U.A.E.
At Dubai's Talise Spa, a typical program may begin with a liver and intensive detox, and follow up with a variety of treatments such as sessions in the infrared sauna,relaxing yoga and tai chi or strength-building kung fu classes, and a course of homeopathic medications, supplements and vitamins.
在杜拜,除了杜拜塔之外,你也可以加入Talise Spa的課程,包含了紅外線桑拿、瑜珈、太極,甚至還有功夫課程。除此之外,當然還有提供營養諮詢和健康補給品的建議喔~
7. Thermia Palace, Slovakia
Thermia Palace was built in 1912welcoming kings, sheiks and czars to experience the sulfur-rich thermal mineral waters and healing mud sources on the island. Natural springs have been proven to aid in diseases such as rheumatism.
在中歐的斯洛伐克有一個1912年的城堡,提供了充滿礦物的水質還有 “泥” 癒療法。這裡的天然溫泉還可以預防風濕 rheumatism
8. Absolute Sanctuary, Koh Samui, Thailand
At Absolute, guests choose between a seven, 10, or 14-day program, and lose an average of 6.5-22 lbs. Light meals are chosen with organic handpicked local produce, cold-pressed oils and whole-food seasonings and superfoods like flaxseeds, spirulina and coconut oil.
在泰國的Koh Samui,提供了10或是14天的課程,平均可以讓你瘦下6.5至22磅。輕食的安排包含了有機的食材、冷壓油、亞麻、螺旋藻以及椰子油等健康食品
9. Rancho La Puerta, Mexico
Rancho La Puerta, a 3,000-acre private resort full of gardens, mountains and meadows,teaches sustainable nutritional eating and muscle building, largely based on plants and whole foods, banning all processed food. Calories are reduced moderately, not radically in order to lose fat and not muscle.
在墨西哥的Rancho La Puerta擁有3000英畝的度假村花園,在這裡一樣也是有特製的體能課程、諮詢及營養餐
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