在跨越2013和2014的今年,很多情侶選擇在今年結婚,象徵一生一世。不過,在結婚之前,相信新郎們最煩惱的就是“求婚” 的戲碼! 敗好萊塢電影所賜,一堆浪漫的情節讓我們這些準新郎倌們,壓力可真不小阿! 而且,在這種既緊張又害怕受傷害的心情下,又要想出一些新的梗,真的是超級困難的~
這篇CNN的報導要告訴大家,哪些地方最適合求婚,讓你成功機率直線上升! 讓我們繼續看下去…
(CNN) -- Admit it. Just once in your life you'd like to feel like the hero in a chick flick, with all the schmaltzy romance, the elaborate plots, the happy endings.
Even if it's just for the amount of time it takes to say those big four words: Will. You.Marry. Me.
在各位男性的一生中,相信都多少希望可以創造一個浪漫又難忘的求婚回憶,把畢生從電影中所學的招式,無所不用其極的發揮在最後重點時刻,並說出“你願意嫁給我嗎?” Chick flick就是指大部分女生們所愛的電影橋段。在求婚的戲碼中,Will you marry me這四個字一出現,相信就會有很多觀眾心理會有一種 Aw….的感受啦!
You want it to be somewhere exotic: in a romantic setting, away from family and friends, on a vacation never to forget.
Exotic 的意思就是遠離自己熟悉的地方到一個陌生的國度,有種異地的美感
A consumer survey by American Express found a similar result, with 30% of consumers citing a weekend trip or vacation as the best time to pop the question.
Pop the question 用pop來當作動詞,有點類似“脫口而出” 的感覺,the question就是指Will you marry me? 這句話
"It's a really popular thing to propose while you're away from home because it's all about creating that fairytale fantasy," says Krywicki. "There's something about being in an unknown area that adds to the allure of the moment."
Allure 可以用來形容一種魅力或是我們台語說的 “一種氣味”
The proposal doesn't have to be overly complicated, as long as the setting is right.
Knowing your partner -- and her expectations about the proposal -- are the key to proposal success, says Krywicki.
In his booklet, "The Seven Biggest Mistakes Men Make When Proposing," Krywicki says the first mistake is timing. Is she ready? Is your relationship ready?
The second is expectation.
求婚時最大的錯誤就是選錯時機,你必須要去想想,你們的關係是否已經成熟到結婚的階段了?第二就是,expectation 你女朋友是希望甚麼樣子的求婚方式
"You really need to know what her expectations are," Krywicki says. "Most women, not all of them, but most women have this fantasy of how this special day will take place.
"Now, if you've got a partner that's innately private and you go and do a public proposal and she feels pressured to say yes because everybody's looking at her -- that's not a good thing."
10. Rome 羅馬
the Eternal City is full of sweetheart spots, he says.
在羅馬到處都充滿了浪漫甜蜜的地點 (sweetheart spots)
9. Boracay, Philippines 長灘島
"Boracay is one of those hidden destinations that can make you feel like you really are on a magical deserted island," 很多人喜歡在熱帶島嶼國家求婚,長灘島就是其中之一,這會讓你感到magical (很驚奇又很夢幻,好像甚麼神奇的事情都會發生一樣)
8. Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia 峇里島
This guy on Kuta Beach in Bali appears to be waiting for a more opportune moment. 這個男生應該是在等一個 opportune moment,也就是最佳求婚時機
7. Tulum, Mexico墨西哥的圖盧姆
A sense of adventure is important to have when embarking on the ultimate adventure, making destinations such as Tulum perfect places for popping the question. 除了熱帶島嶼之外,有些人也prefer在一段探險之旅中,加入求婚的橋段,讓整個旅程更加精采
6. Great Barrier Reef, Australia 澳洲的大堡礁
"Most women, not all of them, but most women have this fantasy of how this special day will take place." 大部分的女生心中對於求婚的場景多少都有些fantasy,也就是一些幻想或是希望這個特別的一刻是甚麼狀況下發生的。
5. Amalfi Coast, Italy 義大利的阿馬爾菲海岸
"This is a great place for the adventurous couple to walk from village to village discovering postcard moments." Postcard moment是用來形容這個地方彷彿會讓你置身在 “像明信片般的場景中”
4. Fiji 斐濟
Fiji is a great place if you want a more intimate and relaxed proposal." Intimate是親密的意思,也可以把它用在男女關係上,intimate relationship
3. Venice, Italy 義大利的威尼斯
Get her on a gondola and there's no way she can say no. Since you already happen to be in one of the world's most romantic cities, why not seal the deal? Seal the deal是指把一件事情做個完美的ending,seal是把東西封上,這裡的deal就是指一段男女關係,整句話有點類似“成定局”
2. New York City 紐約
New York is loaded with convincing views. Convincing是指 “很有說服力的”,在這裡是在形容紐約有很多的景色可以讓你求婚的誠意更添說服力
1. Paris 巴黎
Like the perfect proposal, that's what sets Paris apart from the pack. 巴黎當然是榜首囉! Set…apart from the pack 指的是巴黎這個地方是非常獨特,特別到其他的地方完全無法比的上
Did you get engaged while on vacation? Wish you had? Share your story in the comments section below.
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