

這個禮拜剛好是慶祝復活節的週末,在西方國家,在這個禮拜五就會放假,假期的名字叫做Good Friday,這一天是耶穌受難日,而Good Friday接下來的第一個禮拜天,也就是兩天後,叫做Easter Sunday,也就是復活節的意思。這個節日對於基督教徒尤其重要,因為這是在慶祝耶穌基督復活之日,英文叫做resurrection。每年的復活節日子都不一樣,因為,這個日子是依照每年春分月圓後的第一個禮拜天。Easter Sunday之後的第一個禮拜一叫做Easter Monday,這天也會放假。而復活節最大的傳統和特色就是邦妮兔和彩蛋,彩蛋象徵新生命,邦妮兔可以在夜晚看見其他的動物,彷彿明月一般,而剛好在這個時期,野兔的誕生率又很高,也象徵新生命的到來。







  • The Easter Bunny and Mad Hatter lead the way on an egg hunt atop Cape Town's Table Mountain

☐ Lead the way 表示 “帶頭” 的意思。也可以用在日常生活上,比如說,實際上的帶路或是精神上的帶領都可以用lead the way。

☐ Atop 跟 on the top of 的意思是一樣的,就是在甚麼東西的頂上。

☐ Egg Hunt 是復活節的一個傳統活動,就是所謂的 “獵蛋”


  • Capella D.C. hotel in Washington hides eggs around the city with prizes offered to finders

在華盛頓的 Capella 飯店會把復活節彩蛋藏在城市的各個角落,誰找到了,就會有獎品喔


  • London Dungeon employs an "Egg-cecutioner" for its twist on the Easter theme

Egg-cecutioner是自己發明出來的一個名詞,念起來的音跟Executioner一樣,所以意思就是,針對彩蛋這個東西,開鍘!...London Dungeon這個地方會推出一些創新的點子,把蛋拿來做一些類似刑罰的活動。




Imperial Easter Nest Hunt

(Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna)


Austria's beautiful Schönbrunn Palace serves as the backdrop for an annual Easter market.


Backdrop 的意思是背景。Back是背部,drop是指在電影場景中的布幕,因此,這兩個字合在一起就是背景。在澳洲這個palace會有復活節的市集活動喔~




Magical Egg Hunt on Table Mountain

(Cape Town, South Africa)


The Easter Fairy, Mad Hatter and the Easter Bunny carrying a basket of chocolate eggs lead the way on this high altitude egg hunt on top of Cape Town's Table Mountain.


Altitude 的意思是緯度,也就是高山上的高度。




The Great Egg Hunt at Vaucluse House (Sydney)


This hunt takes place around the beautiful Vaucluse House, one of Sydney's last remaining 19th-century mansions. Kids design their own baskets.


Take place是表示一件事情 “發生在” 某個地方。跟Happen同義。

你可以講,The party took place on Saturday in the most famous club in town.

也可以用在未來會發生的事情上,比如說,The dinner for my birthday is taking place in a steakhouse next Sunday.




Easter Egg-stravaganza, Centreville Amusement Park and Far Enough Farm (Toronto)


Eggs at the Centreville Amusement Park and Far Enough Farm's event -- Toronto's biggest Easter egg hunt -- are hidden in the strangest of places, like a tractor wheel.







Great Egg Safari, Zoo Miami (Miami)


It's not just Homo sapiens who get to experience Easter fun at the Miami zoo -- the animals get their own Easter eggs.


Get to experience 就是可以有機會能夠體驗到…在邁阿密的動物園裡面,動物們也很應景的吃到Easter Eggs喔~




Bad Eggs Easter Egg Hunt, the London Dungeon (London)


Fed up with cute Easter bunnies and sickly sweet chocolate? The London Dungeon's dark hunt offers some extra bad eggs.


Fed up with 的意思是 當你對某件人事物感到很煩、很膩、很受不了的時候,就可以用 I am fed up with my boss。 I am fed up with Chinese food。 I am fed up with all these exams! Fed up 顧名思義就是把你餵得很飽,飽到你再也吃不下的那種情況。




The Easter Egg Hunt (Provins, France)


This traditional French affair takes place in the historic town of Provins, in the shadow of its spectacular castle.


Affair有很多種意思,可以是一個別開盛宴的活動。 用在人的關係上,就是指這個人有小三,劈腿~ 比如說,Her boyfriend has an affair with her best friend,意思就是,她的男朋友跟他的最好朋友有一腿。所以,千萬不要隨便說你自己have an affair喔~




Easter Egg Hunt, The Roof Gardens (London)


Participants explore one of London's largest rooftop gardens while their parents sip the special Easter Chocolate Trio Cocktail.


Rooftop 的意思就是頂樓。Sip則是小酌,沾一小口飲料的動作。




The Big Egg Hunt NYC presented by Fabergé

(New York)


More than 200 eggs designed by famous artists and designers including Tommy Hilfiger and Caroline Herrera (not pictured) are dotted around


New York's five boroughs. Sadly participants don't get to take the eggs home.

Dot around 的意思就是 “點”娺在紐約的五個城鎮上,很美喔~




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