


如果你有時間的話,一定要計畫去美國自由行一趟。最好就是自己開車,到處玩,這樣的方式叫做road trip。Road trip的好處就是移動性高,可以自己自由掌握時間,而且,在美國開車非常的方便,幾乎每個交流道都會有加油站、餐廳、速食店,根本就不怕餓到。另外,指標也非常的淺顯易懂,一目了然。小編自己就在美國Road trip了三四次,上一次就有去了Death Valley,這個地方很多人都不敢開進去,因為到了夏天,高溫會高達五十幾度,上次就在這裡差點沒熱昏。如果你車子性能不好,建議不要隨便進入喔! 如果有機會到Death Valley的話,也可以欣賞一下他這邊特殊的沙漠景色。有別於一般其他的花草風景喔~ 這次CNN幫大家整理了七個Extreme (極端) 的旅遊景點,其中包含了hottest, most windy, darkest, coldest, most gut busting, most stormy。讓我們繼續看下去吧~



  • Temps in Death Valley National Park can reach beyond 125 F (51 C) during summer
  • Utah's National Bridges National Monument is one of the most light pollution-free spots in the United States
  • Conditions can go from sun to blinding blizzard in the span of a half-day hike on Mount Washington


1.  Hot: Death Valley, California

Temperatures regularly soar beyond 125 F (51 C) during summer in Death Valley. Sidewalk egg frying was recently banned when it became a thing.

Soar 字義上應該是翱翔高飛的意思,不過,這個字很常被用來形容一件事情或是一個東西 “上升”,不僅僅是高度,也有可能是溫度。在這裡是指Death Valley的溫度常常會升高到你無法想像的程度。

Beyond的意思是 當一件事情 “超乎一般的程度” 或是 “超過你可以接受的範圍” 就可以用Beyond,比如說,beyond my imagination 超乎我得想像,beyond my expectation超乎我的預期

Sidewalk 是我們常說的路邊,人行道。這邊所謂的sidewalk egg frying是指,有些人會在路邊的地上,利用Death Valley的高溫 “煎蛋” !

Banning 的意思是 “禁止”。

When it became a thing的it是指在路邊煎蛋這回事,這個事情一開始的時候也許是隨機發起的,不過,當越來越多人都在做這樣的事情時,就會變成 “引起大家關注的事情” ,就是這邊說的a thing。


2.  Cold: Fairbanks, Alaska

Winter brings extreme cold to Fairbanks. But also snow machining, ice fishing, snow biking and dog mushing.

There are only a few hours of daylight in midwinter Fairbanks. All the better for enjoying the spectacle of the Aurora Borealis.

Snow machine 的意思是跟雪有關的機器,這也包含了snow mobile 雪上摩托車。

Ice fishing是在結凍的湖面上釣魚

Snow biking就是在雪上騎腳踏車

Dog mushing 是狗拉雪橇的活動

在midwinter (冬天過一半) 的時候,Fairbanks這裡daylight (白天) 的時間非常的短,不過,這樣正好可以讓大家有更多的night time去欣賞美麗的Aurora Borealis (北極光)


3.  Dark: Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah

In Utah, Natural Bridges is officially one of the most naturally and conscientiously light-pollution-free spots in the United States.

Conscientious 有良心的,在這裡是指這個地方還沒有被人類所破壞。

Light-pollution-free的意思是這個地方 “沒有光害” ,pollution是汙染,在一個字後面加上free的話,就表示 “免於…” ,比如說 carefree的意思就是 “免於煩惱” 也就是無憂無慮


4.  Stormy: Olympic Peninsula, Washington

Proof that the weather isn't always lousy in the Olympic Peninsula. At least not on this summer day in the Buckhorn Wilderness.



5.  Old: St. Augustine, Florida

If this isn't old enough for you, you're out of luck. Founded in 1565, St. Augustine is the oldest permanent European settlement in the United States. This is the view through St. Augustine House, its oldest residence.

Out of luck 顧名思義就是,很衰的意思啦~ 在這裡是指,運氣都用光,如果St. Augustine不夠老的話,那也找不到其他地方了。

Permanent是永久的,常常用在工作上的像是permanent employee (長期員工,就是正式員工)。Permanent resident意思是 永久居民。通常是用在移民人士,在正式成為公民之前,會有一段時間是permanent resident,要住滿幾年才有資格變成citizen


6.  Windy: Mount Washington, New Hampshire

Winds exceed hurricane force on at least 100 days a year on New Hampshire's Mount Washington.

Exceed是超過,在這邊的force是名詞,意思是 “力量” 或是 “能量”,整句話是在說New Hampshire這個地方的風”力” 已經超過 hurricane (颶風)的力量~

Erratic conditions go from sun to blinding blizzard in the span of a half-day hike on Mountain Washington.

Erratic是不穩定的意思,用來形容New Hampshire的天氣不穩。半天之內會從晴朗的天氣變成blinding blizzard (烏雲密布)。

Span 通常是用來形容一個距離或是間距,在這裡是指半天的時間當中。


7.  Gut busting: West Virginia Roadkill Cook-off

Moose, possum, snake, mole and perhaps squirrel have all been known to appear on the menu at the Roadkill Cook-off in Marlinton, West Virginia.

Past roadkill cook-off faves have included frog meat jambalaya, smeared hog with groundhog gravy and "South-of-the-Border Mishap Tacos.

Moose是麋鹿; Possum是袋貂; mole是鼴鼠; squirrel是松鼠,這些動物會在Roadkill Cook-off這個節慶中成為桌上佳餚喔~

Gut是 有種沒種的 “種”,就是勇氣啦~


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