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今日單字:austerity [n.] 樽節、節儉
自從歐債危機爆發後,austerity 「樽節」這個字就不停地被新聞媒體以及各種政治評論提及,可是這裡還是要不厭其煩地再強調這個字的重要性。因為這可是目前最熱門的時事英文單字之一了。
第 1 段到第 3 段,首先破題點出希臘人民走上街頭,開始為期兩天的罷工行動,抗議政府一連串的樽節措施。接下來第 4 到第 8 段提出這些抗議罷工的原因及背景。第 9 到第 13 段再度回度抗議行動,大概描述了一下罷工的規模與進行的情況。這種先破題,再回到背景介紹,最後又回到主題本身的寫作模式,常常運用在新聞文體的寫作中。
第 14 段到最後一段,這裡提出因為三個政黨(左派民主黨 The Democratic Party of the Left,或稱DIMAR、中間偏右派的新民主黨 New Democracy party,以及社會主義黨 socialist party PASOK)內鬥的緣故,導致債務越來越沈重。這部份內容牽涉到希臘政府政黨結構,閱讀時需要多一點耐心才行。也或者,一般程度的讀者,這部份可以先略過不讀,只讀前面的內容也可以。
第 1~2 段
The nation of Greece has come to a screeching halt again.
Unions have called for a 48-hour general strike beginning Tuesday ahead of an anticipated vote by the Greek government on yet another round of austerity measures the following day.
* come to a screeching halt [v. phr.] 急踩煞車停止。halt 這裡是名詞,為「停止」之意。原本的動詞片語為 come to a halt ,這裡加上一個生動的形容詞 screeching。screech 是個擬聲字,模仿輪胎在急煞車時發出的尖銳唧唧聲,這裡變成現在分詞去修飾 halt ,讓整個句子更有畫面。
* union [n.] 工會
* strike [n.] 罷工
* measure [n.] 措施
第5~6 段
If legislators do not pass the measures, it will endanger the payout of the next international bailout installment of 31.5 billion euros, which the government desperately needs to stay in operation. Without the funds, it says it will run out of money by mid-November.
But Greeks are furious about the effects of multiple rounds of belt-tightening, which have resulted in cuts to pensions and pay and seen unemployment in Greece's fifth year of recession soar to over 25%.
* bailout installment [n. phr.] 紓困貸款
* belt-tightening [adj.] 勒緊褲帶的,縮衣節食的
* recession [n.] 經濟衰退、蕭條
* soar [v.] 急速竄升。這個動詞原本指的是鳥類急速向上飛衝
If Greece is to stay the course laid out by the so-called troika -- the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund -- more budget cuts will be necessary, as the country's debt woes are worse than previously believed.
Recent budget projections for the Greek government exceed the worst-case scenarios envisioned by international lenders when they agreed to a bailout, according to a Financial Times report published by CNN.
* If Greece is to stay... 這裡的 「be to 原形動詞」是表示「未來」的常見結構
* troika 三巨頭。這個單字是從俄文來的,原來指的是由三匹馬拉的馬車
* as the country's debt woes are worse than previously believed 其中woe原意是指「敵人」 ,而這裡有個比較級的結構 worse than previously believed 是由 worse than they were previously believed 省略主詞動詞而來的分詞句型,主詞 they 指的就是 debt woes
* budget projections 這裡指的是預算的預估值
* scenario 情況,原本指的是「劇本」,可以用 scene「場景」這個字去聯想記憶
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