


今日單字:  virtual  [adj.]  =  虛擬的


聖誕節是這週日了 !!

大家買好禮物了嗎 ??


粉絲們會想收到 APP 當聖誕節禮物嗎 ??


 (一) 今日新聞導讀


1.  Digital gifts may be tough to wrap. But they can be more convenient for both givers and recipients.



2.  Digital items can be purchased with a few clicks and delivered instantly. 



3.  Apple: Through its iTunes program on a computer, Apple lets you give apps, music, movies and TV shows to be sent to someone's e-mail address or to be printed as a certificate at home.

蘋果: 透過電腦上的iTunes系統,Apple讓您可以將一些APP、音樂、電影及電視節目送到某人的電子信箱 或 在家自行印出禮券


4.  Amazon: The online retailer has "Give as a Gift" buttons located under the "buy" buttons all over Kindle books and MP3 music in its store. 

亞馬遜: 這間線上零售商在商城中所有 Kindle 電子書及 MP3 音樂的「購買」鍵下方,均設一個「當禮物送」的按鈕 


5.  Google: The computing giant sells apps, e-books, movie rentals and music downloads in the Android Market. But it does not allow customers to purchase them and have them delivered as gifts, a Google spokesman said.

谷歌: 電腦界巨龍雖然在 Android 市集中賣 APP、電子書、出租電影 及 提供音樂下載,但該公司發言人表示,市集並不讓客人在購買後以禮物的方式送出。


6.  So in short, stockings may be lighter this year. But inboxes may be fuller.




(二) 延伸討論


What app would you like to receive as a gift this year ??


I really like a Japanese learning app called Human Japanese. 

It's one of the best tools I've used for learning Japanese.

I'm quite upset that I can't buy it as our government hasn't solved the problem with the Android Market yet.


What is an app that you really want for Christmas ??





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