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這篇文章主要是在討論現在行動電子產品的年度展覽以及未來的趨勢。現在走在台北街頭,人人手上的手機都已經從以前的輕薄機變成智慧型手機了。現在,有些人喜歡螢幕越大越好的Samsung,有人喜歡智慧型手機的開宗始祖Apple iPhone,其他像是以往的手機巨頭Nokia風光已不復在。短短幾年的時間,行動數位裝置成為現在電子產的一大重點。對電子產品有興趣的你,也應該去一趟巴塞隆納,見識一下這一年一度的行動電子廠商一級戰場!



Word of The Day


Look out for 屏息以待值得期待 




What’s Up?


(CNN) -- Starting February 25, more than 65,000 people are expected to descend on Barcelona, Spain for Mobile World Congress (MWC): a trade show for the mobile industry to show off the latest phones, tablets, apps and services.


Descend 降落; 這裡是指在2/25這天,會有萬人因為這個展覽湧入巴塞隆納

Trade show 展覽

Show off 表現; 愛現,在展覽上,各家公司都會拿出最新作品互相較勁


It's the biggest show for mobile technology, and as mobile is so hot right now, it's arguably the most important show in tech overall. Most companies use it as the platform to set out their agenda for the year and give us a taste of the innovations we can expect to see, but there's a more practical reason why this show matters so much to the companies exhibiting there.


Hot 表示行動電子產品很夯,民眾的熱度很高

Arguably 可以說是; 稱得上是

Platform 平台; 讓廠商能夠宣傳自家產品的平台

Set out their agenda 展示他們這一年的產品方向及公司方針

Give us a taste of 讓我們一探究竟


There is a brutal war going on right now for new smartphone and tablet customers, with Samsung and Apple winning. According to research firm IDC, Apple and Samsung now have more than half the worldwide smartphone market between them. That makes it vital for all the other major hardware players to have a good MWC, or risk irrelevance. Here's what I'm expecting to see:


Brutal war 殘酷的戰爭; 表示競爭激烈

Smartphone 智慧型手機

Tablet 平板電腦

Vital 不得鬆懈


Photography will be a big theme of Nokia and HTC's launches. Nokia generated the biggest buzz at last year's MWC with its PureView camera phone, a model with an unbelievably high 42-megapixel camera sensor. CNET reviewed it after the show was finished, and we loved the camera, but found the Symbian operating system it ran lacking.


Theme 重點主題; 主打

Biggest buzz 最大的回響; buzz是指門鈴的意思,很大聲的門鈴就是暗指做了某件事情讓人驚艷並察覺你的存在

Ran lacking 系統作業不夠完善


This year, Nokia watchers are hoping it will put the same camera technology on a Windows phone, which should make it a much more compelling product. The Windows phone platform could certainly do with that sort of boost -- so far, sales haven't exactly set the world alight.


Watchers 關注Nokia的忠實用戶

Compelling 引人注目的

Boost 提昇產品的品質


HTC also really needs a hit right now, and it's taking no chances by holding its MWC press conference a week before the show actually starts to make sure someone else's shiny gadgetdoesn't blast it off the news agenda. To tease its announcement on Tuesday 19, the company has released an infographic called "a brief history of photography". It doesn't give much away, but theinference is that phone manufacturers have been focusing on increasing the number of megapixels in camera phones, rather than picture quality. We'll know more very shortly.


Needs a hit 需要一劑強心針; 或是推出某個產品讓大家眼睛為之一亮

Gadget 小工具; 一般用來形容我們身上帶的電子產品,如手機,ipod,平板都算是Gadget

Inference 發表會背後要衍生出的含意及論點


Large screens are set to dominate: if leaked pictures of various handsets are to be believed, many vendors will be showing off phones with 5-inch screens with a 1080p resolution -- the same number of pixels you get on a high-definition TV.


Set to dominate 絕對會主宰整個市場

Resolution 解析度

High-definition 高畫質,通常我們會說HD


Even a 5-inch screen isn't enough for some people. Samsung single-handedly created a new product category, the "phablet," in 2011 with its Galaxy Note. This phone/tablet hybrid combines a near 6-inch screen with a pen and has sold in the millions. Everyone is going to want a piece of this actionat MWC.


Phone/tablet hybrid 手機平板合體的機種

Want a piece of this action 希望可以看到像這樣的產品出現在展覽上


One product area I'm hoping will see some development at MWC is tablets. No one has made the perfect tablet yet: the iPad is a great product, but it's limited and I find myself having to use a computer to perform certain tasks. Windows 8 tablets are interesting and experimental, but no one has nailed it.


Experimental 試驗性質的

Nailed it 表示能夠很專精的運用他


The field is still wide open for a company to create a single product that can replace a traditional laptop and an iPad-style tablet. Nokia is working on one, although I doubt it will reveal it at MWC. Samsung used last year's show to show off tablets operated with a pen, so we'll probably see some more of those. But I'm  

keeping my fingers crossed for a smaller player, perhaps a company like Asus, to show the rest of the world how it should be done.


Wide open 平板電腦的市場發展潛力還是很大

Keeping my fingers crossed 希望事情能夠如願以償; 這裡是希望Asus能夠推出更讓電子巨頭驚艷的平板


On the services side, I'm going to be looking for anything that takes advantage of the 4G internet connections that are slowly being rolled out across Europe. The promise of the speed 4G offers is that our phones will be able to do many more things. But so far, companies have had difficulty saying what they actually will be, beyond faster web browsing and downloading video.


Take advantage of 好好運用

Rolled out 推動並普及化


A couple of things we won't see: Samsung won't unveil a successor to its wildly popular Galaxy S3 at MWC. That will come at its own dedicated event later in the year so it can maximize the chatteraround it. Plus, although we will hear a lot about apps for Apple's iPhone, Apple itself won't exhibit.


Unveil 揭開; 透露

Successor 繼承人; 這裡是指Galaxy S3的第二代機種

Dedicated event 特別安排的活動

Chatter 社群團體中製造話題


My final tip is to watch out for Huawei. You might not see them much in phone shops, but the Chinese mega-corp wants to dominate the western market. IDC put Huawei as the number three in the world in terms of smartphone shipments. At CNET, we've seen interest in the brand increase by over 800% in a year, based on our internal data, as it released a series of cheap Android phones that were actually rather good. MWC will see it try and build on that success and expand into the high end. It might just work.


Watch out for 特別關注

Expand into the high end 擴展到更高層級的市場



Tell Me About It!


Between Samsung and Apple, which one do you think is the tech giant to dominate the market?

Do you like iPhone or do you prefer other Smart Phone brand?



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