最近這幾年,台灣盛行起自行車的風潮,幾乎每個人家裡都會有一台腳踏車,甚至,有些人還願意花上萬元買一台較高檔性能又比較好的自行車。因為,現在很多自行車隊和車友都會在周末的時候,相約到山上或是海邊騎車。一方面欣賞風景、舒壓、接近大自然、另一方面也可以趁休假的時候把握機會運動一下。最近小編才從家裡附近的河濱公園,一路騎 U-bike到北投。一路上不僅風景優美,空氣新鮮,而且,從松山騎到北投才花費30元! 是不是很便宜?! 而且,U-bike的好處就是,騎到哪裡,停到哪裡,只要有站點的地方都可以還車。也不需要為了帶著車子而限制自己的行動力,隨時想要換捷運或是公車都可以。而且現在的河濱公園 (riverside park) 規劃得還真是有那麼一回事阿! 乾淨又方便~ 建議大家有空的時候騎車去疏通一下筋骨吧!
The world's most incredible bike routes
- China's Friendship Highway takes cyclists 800 lung-bursting kilometers through foothills of Everest
- Cyclist n. 自行車手
- Lung-bursting adj. 字面上的意思是爆肺,當然不是真的爆掉啦~ 想像一下,大概可以猜出來,就是這個單車運動總長度需要 “肺活量超大” 的人才有辦法達成。
- More relaxing rides are available -- Japan's Shimanami Kaido can easily be completed in a day
- Riders might have bear or moose for company on the Great Divide bike route from Alberta, Canada to New Mexico
- Riders n. 也是指自行車手,不過,cyclist比較精確的指單車手,而rider有可以是摩托車手也有可能是任何用ride的車輛駕駛者。
- Moose n. 麋鹿
- For company 這邊的 company是陪伴的意思; “I don’t like to eat alone and always enjoy companies, no matter friends or family.”
Great Divide (North America)
Rides don't come much bigger or more remote than this.The Great Divide Mountain Bike Route is off-road touring from Canada's Alberta all the way to New Mexico that takes in 61,000 meters of climb. That's more than 200,000 feet of glorious thigh burn.
1. Remote adj. 偏遠的,如果當作n. 使用的話,意思則是遙控器。
2. Off-road adj. 這兩個字中間加上一個hyphen,就變成了一個形容詞,意思是這條單車道不是按照一般的道路行走的,他是 “偏離軌道” 或是 “偏離公路”,也就是我們所謂的羊腸小徑。
3. Climb n. 這裡的climb是指在騎單車的時候,會有所謂的上坡路段,這些上坡就是climb,往上爬的意思; “The hardest part of biking is to sustain your energy and breath during continuous climb.”。
4. Feet n. 這裡的feet不是指我們的腳,而是一個高度/長度的單位,英呎。在國外,大部分的人不會用cm或是centimeter來形容身高,他們會說 “I am 6 feet tall” 或者是 “I am 5 feet 9.” 。
5. Glorious adj. 輝煌的; 這裡是指當車手騎完200,000英呎的爬坡後,彷彿完成了一項很了不起的事情,所以用glorious來形容這件事。
6. Thigh burn 指的是200,000英呎的爬坡讓大腿瘋狂燃脂,所以這裡的burn是在形容燃燒熱量、脂肪、能量等。當你去健身房的時候,所有跑步機上一定會有一項功能是fat burn這就是燃燒脂肪的意思; “The cardiovascular exercise can help you burn calories and fat.” 。
The Friendship Highway (China)
The shimmering turquoise waters of Yamdrok Yumtso lake is one of the sights that greet riders as they climb to lung-bursting heights in the shadow of Everest. The road stretches between Lhasa and the Nepalese border.
1. Shimmering adj. 閃閃發亮,這裡是指陽光投射在水面上時,水上閃閃發光的樣子; “I love it when the light shimmering on the ocean at dusk.” 。
2. Turquoise n. 藍綠色。
3. Greet (riders) v. 指的是Yamdrok Yumtso Lake 湖面閃閃發光的美景是其中一個難以忘懷的景點,也是greet (打招呼) 歡迎riders的地方。
4. Stretches v. 通常的意思是 “伸展”,這裡是指這個自行車道連綿不絕
Wedding on wheels
Tackling the Friendship Highway from Lhasa to the Nepalese border by bicycle takes careful planning. Especially if you're planning to get married along the way. The stunning scenery is, apparently, a favorite for wedding photographers.
1. Wedding on wheels 字面上的意思是 “婚禮在方向盤上?”,發揮你的想像力,想一下,其實,他是在表示,有些人拍婚紗是會開著車到處去取景,而這邊所指的是騎著自行車沿路拍照。
2. Tackle v. 解決; 在這裡比較像是在說 “征服” 這條路線的意思; “Even though the assignment is really tough, I will tackle it and do my best to overcome it.” 。
3. Stunning adj. 令人驚艷的; 這個形容詞也可以用在,當一個人事物的表現或呈現出乎你意料的時候,就可以用stunning來形容你surprise的感覺; “The performance by Celine Dion is stunning last night.” 。
4. Scenery n. 風景
Shimanami Kaido (Japan)
Built for gentle meandering, this track snakes across a series of small, scenic islands in Hiroshima prefecture, in the west of Japan.At just more than 40 miles long, it's possible to complete in a day.
1. Gentle adj. 這裡用溫柔來形容這條道路是表示它一點也不難,而且很好騎
2. Meandering adj. 彎曲的
3. Snakes v. 名詞是蛇,當作動詞使用是表示這個道路彎彎曲曲的像蛇一樣; “I hate it when motorbikes snake on the road.”
4. Scenic adj. 美不盛收的; “The scenic view at the beach is absolutely stunning.”
5. Prefecture n. 是指日本的 “縣”
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