在世界各地有許多地方的湖泊是我們在台灣看不到的,這次CNN整理出來了15世界上最奇怪的湖泊。它們奇怪的地方在哪裡呢? 有些特別鹹、有些充滿了蘭花、有些住滿了水母、有些水溫異常的高、有些形狀很特殊、有些水的顏色是粉紅色的、有些湖面是有 “湖浪” 的、有些湖甚至會在冬天的時候突然消失! 這些種種的異常現象,在世界各地發生。說到湖泊,在台灣其實不太容易看到太大的湖,在歐美,有些湖泊的尺寸可能就比一個台灣還要大了。 在加拿大,有個湖叫做Lake Louise,夏天去的時候,他的湖面就像一面鏡子,把圍繞在它身邊的山丘和樹木都倒影在湖面上,簡直就像是仙境一樣,超級漂亮的! 各位如果有機會一定要去看看喔~
- There are more than 3 million lakes around the world
- Residents of Palau's Jellyfish Lake have lost the ability to sting
Resident n. 居民; 在這裡是指住在或生活在Jellyfish Lake的這些水母們
Sting v. 螫; 這通常是用在被昆蟲或是動物刺傷,在這裡是指被水母攻擊的這個動作,另外,還可以用在受傷後擦藥時,那種刺刺痛痛的感覺。 “I don’t like to apply iodine on my wound because it stings.”
- In a yearly event, red lotus flowers cover 8,000 acres of a Thai lake
Yearly adv. 每年; 這個字也可以用在每個月monthly,每季quarterly,不過用在每天就要用daily
Cover v. 覆蓋; 這裡是指蘭花佈滿整個湖泊,另外,cover還有一個意思是 “罩我” 或是 “掩護我” 的意思,所以在警匪片中很長出現 cover me的字眼。 “Please cover me when I break into the door.”
- No one knows how hot Boiling Lake in Dominica really gets
Jellyfish Lake, Palau
No jellyfish will sting you when you swim or snorkel in Palau's Jellyfish Lake.
Snorkel v. 浮潛; 還有另外一個比較常看到的同義字就是dive
Lake Nong Harn, Thailand
Thousands of red lotus flowers sprout annually in October and completely transform the surface of Lake Nong Harn, Thailand.
Sprout v. 萌芽; 也就是中文常說的開花
Transform v. 把一個東西轉換成另外一個樣子; 很常看到的就是最近剛上映的電影變形金剛,Transformers。 “After renovation, the designers could always transform houses into a brand new look.”
Surface n. 表面; 這裡是指湖泊的表面,也就是湖面的意思
La Brea Pitch Lake, Trinidad
Made of 10 million tons of liquid asphalt and spread over 100 acres, La Brea Pitch Lake in Trinidad is the largest natural deposit of pitch on earth.
Asphalt n. 柏油
Deposit n. 通常是指儲蓄; 因為這裡是在說asphalt在這個湖泊的量很驚人,所以deposit在這邊的意思就是在說這個柏油床的存積量
Boiling Lake, Dominica
Water at the center of the 200-foot-wide Boiling Lake in Dominica stays in a constant rolling boil so hot that there's no accurate measurement of heat levels at the lake's center.
Boil v. 燒滾燙; 當我們在燒開水的時候,也是在boil
Accurate adj. 準確的; 精準的 “A smart football player must know which accurate angle to kick to score.”
Lake Manicouagan, Canada
While many lakes are round, Canada's Lake Manicouagan is the only known lake that has been cast into the form of a ring.
Cast into 這裡是指加拿大的這個湖泊因為四面環繞了許多不同的湖,所以他從上空看起來的樣子就像是一個圓圈,cast通常是在說一部電影的演員陣容,當成動詞使用時,是在說這些周圍的湖泊環繞,而使其 “演變” 成為一個圓圈。
Mount Erebus, Antarctica
The air outside Mount Erebus in Antarctica can reach a frigid 60 degrees below zero but inside this lava lake, it measures a fiery 1,700 degrees above.
Frigid adj. 寒冷的; 這個形容詞比cold的冷度還要更冷
60 degrees below zero 當我們要說溫度是零下幾度時,就要用這個說法,先把幾度講出來,後面接上below zero就可以了。
Fiery adj. 熾熱的,熱烈的,暴躁的 “The sun is fiery today as the temperature soars to 40 degrees Celsius.”
Lake Hillier, Australia
Australia's Lake Hillier stays filled with perfectly pink water whether day or night and keeps its hue even if taken away in a bottle.
Filled with 裝滿了某個東西 “The glass is filled with ice water.”
Hue n. 色調; 這裡是指Lake Hillier湖泊中的粉紅色水,就算你用水壺裝回家,它水的顏色都不會跑掉或是退掉。
Lake Superior, United States
From Minnesota to Illinois to Michigan, the Great Lakes' waves have made them an unexpected haven for surfers, with northern Lake Superior known to be the best place to hang ten.
Haven n. 類似世外桃源的地方,或是讓人逃離現實並得以放鬆的地方
Hang ten 這個hang ten可不是我們在台灣常看到的牌子,這是一個衝浪時的動作或是技巧,用來形容衝浪者乘著浪時,有辦法從浪板的尾端走到前端,讓十支腳指頭都可以站穩在前頭。
Medicine Lake, Canada
Every winter, Medicine Lake in Canada simply disappears, and the mystery of why wasn't solved until the 1970s.
Disappear v. 消失不見 “The cloud finally disappeared at night after a whole afternoon of thunder storm.”
Mystery n. 神秘 或是 不解之謎
Lake Natron, Tanzania
Tanzania's Lake Natron, where temperatures can reach 140 degrees, literally turns animals into stone.
Reach v. 到達; 這裡是指溫度高達140度 “During the summer time, the temperature usually reaches over 37 degrees Celsius.”
Literally adv. 這個字通常用來強調一件事情就像字面上意思那般真實,這裡是強調這樣的溫度 “是真的” 會把動物變成石頭 “The temperature outside could literally burn your skin. Next day, you will find yourself become dark.”
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