看到這個標題,你大概會想說,車站不就長那樣嗎? 有甚麼好看的? 不過,如果你有去過國外的車站,有些蓋的規模簡直就像是機場一樣。 有些有名是因為歷史悠久,就像是常常出現在電影場景中的紐約Grand Central Terminal絕對是每個旅客會去拜碼頭的地方啦! 其實,我們的台北火車站也是個富有歷史性而且又能夠凸顯出我們東方文化的車站。 很慶幸台灣政府還有意保有這個地方的原創和歷史外型。 讓我們一起來看看其他地方的車站有甚麼特別之處吧!
- Architectural data company Emporis has compiled a list of 11 stunning train stations
Compile v. 蒐集資料並統整編輯; 當你有一堆資料要消化,並且要整理成章時,就可以用compile。這個動詞可以常常用在工作場合上,當你要歸納出一個計畫案,或是規畫一個活動專案,就可以說 “I need to compile a proposal by the end of this week so that the event can be held on schedule.”
Stunning adj. 目瞪口呆的; 令人驚訝不已的; 這個形容詞的驚訝程度,是讓人出乎意料的驚喜,而且是正向的描述。
“Celine Dion’s concert last night was stunning. How can she sing so well?”
- Grand Central Terminus in New York receives over 21.6 million tourists each year
Tourist n. 旅客; 觀光客; 這個名詞在很多的觀光勝地很常看到,不管在台灣或是在國外,一些比較著名的景點,通常會附設所謂的Visitor’s Information Center,有些地方會稱為 Tourist Information Center。這些地方主要是提供觀光客一些資訊上的分享以及交流的平台,另外還會有一些設施像是廁所、導覽解說、禮品店等。 另外,我們所謂的景點,也可以稱為tourist sites。
- Chhaatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
UNESCO 中文是聯合國教科文組織,英文全名是United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization。 “組織之宗旨在於通過教育、科學及文化來促進各國間之合作,對和平與安全作出貢獻,以增進對正義、法治及聯合國憲章所確認之世界人民不分種族、性別、語言或宗教均享人權與基本自由之普遍尊重。聯合國教育、科學與文化組織是持續國際聯盟的國際智力合作委員會。” 我們比較常聽到的世界遺產 World Heritage Site,就是由UNESCO所制訂並評斷出來的。
Southern Cross (Melbourne, Australia)
Originally built in 1859, Melbourne's Southern Cross Railway station was renovated in 2005 to include an undulating roof that covers an entire city block. At the western end of the station is a colorful "History of Transport" mural.
Renovate v. 重新裝潢; 裝修
Undulating adj. 波浪狀的
Mural n. 壁畫
Hundertwasser Bahnhof (Uelzen, Germany)
The Hundertwasser Bahnhof train station in the northern German town of Uelzen was redecorated in 2000 by famous Austrian artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
Redecorate adj. 這個形容詞跟renovate意思類似,不過renovate式進行比較大規模的整修更新,而redecorate比較像是 “重新裝飾” 不一定會動到裝潢
Architect n. 建築師
Centraal Station (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
The centerpiece of Netherlands' Rotterdam Centraal Station's design is the main entrance. The shiny boomerang-like canopy is made of a stainless steel projection and wood cladding.
Shiny adj. 閃閃發亮的;
Canopy n. 天篷; 遮篷
Stainless Steel 不鏽鋼
Cladding 包覆在建築物外面的一層木作
WTC Transportation Hub (New York)
When open in 2015, New York's World Trade Center Transportation Hub will include retractable 150-foot-high glass-and-steel "wings" that will allow natural light into the rail platforms 60 feet below street level.
Retractable adj. 可縮回的; 伸縮自如的;
Natural light 自然光
Below street level 比街道平面還要低; 平面底下
Grand Central Terminal (New York)
More than 21.6 million tourists visit New York's Grand Central Terminal each year. The iconic station is decorated with winding staircases and gleaming chandeliers.
Iconic adj. 地標性的; 代表性的
Winding adj. 蜿蜒的; 彎曲的
Staircases 樓梯
Gleaming adj. 閃亮的
Chandelier n. 水晶吊燈
Gare do Oriente (Lisbon, Portugal)
The Gare do Oriente in Lisbon is distinguished by its unique roof. The steel skeleton covers eight elevated tracks and their corresponding platforms, with the roof resembling the underside of a leaf.
Distinguish 區隔
Elevate 提高; 提升
Underside 下側
Gare de Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France)
A giant canopy of curved glass covers the 1880s facade of France's Gare de Strasbourg, giving the station the look of a dazzling jewel from the outside.
Façade 門面,正面,外觀
Dazzling adj. 耀眼的
Jewel n. 寶石
Gare de Liege-Guillemins (Liege, Belgium)
The Liege-Guillemin station in Liege, Belgium features an ultra-modern glass and steel facade. The wave-like ribbed roof suggests movement over the thousands of commuters that flow under it daily.
Feature v. 主打; 使…有特色
Commuter n. 來來去去的遊客; commute則是通勤的意思
Flow under 這裡的意思是上千的遊客或是通勤人群就像是水一樣在這個 “水樣” 的屋頂下流來流去,就是所謂的 “人潮”
Chhatrapati Shivaji (Mumbai, India)
Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus in Mumbai is India's busiest station and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The immense structure features a mixture of gothic turrets, stone domes and pointed arches.
Immense adj. 極廣大的; 無邊的;
Mixture n. 混合; 綜合
Gothic adj. 哥德次文化的
Turret n. 砲塔
Dome n. 圓頂
Antwerpen-Centraal (Antwerp, Belgium)
The stone-clad Antwerpen-Centraal is such an eclectic mix of designs that it has no designated architectural style. Its vast dome covering the waiting room and vast iron and glass train shed earned the station the nickname "Railway Cathedral."
Eclectic adj. 折衷的
King's Cross (London, UK)
Harry Potter's platform 9 3/4 isn't the only draw at King's Cross Railway station. This 20-meter-high steel structure stretches over the Victorian terminal in diamond and triangle shapes.
Stretch over 舒展開來; 這裡是指圖片中的白色鐵柱交叉造型,蔓延開來,延伸到整個車站
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