


每次出國的時候,除了山山水水的壯觀自然風景之外,另外一種行程就是去欣賞當地的一些偉大建築物,在巴黎有巴黎鐵塔、凱旋門,在日本有大阪城、合掌村,在歐洲各國還有更多壯觀的教堂、住家建築等。 這些建築和房子最能夠反映出當地的異國風情,也是跟台灣很不一樣的地方。這裏我們用architecture buffs來形容這些有歷史性又富有特色的建築物。Architecture這個字除了是建築的意思之外,還可以是建築師或是建築學的意思。



Cave dwellings in Matera are believed to be some of Italy's first settlements

  • Cave n. 山洞; 任何在山上看到的洞穴都可以稱為cave,另外,我們所謂的山頂洞人,就叫做caveman;
  • Dwelling n. 住處或是任何用來居住的地方; 通常我們在形容我們住家的時候,都會使用house這個字,不過,house確切的意思應該是房屋,dwelling是比較專業的說法,通常是用在房屋買賣的時候,才會使用的字眼。又或者你在形容的住處,不是一般的房屋時,就要用dwelling;
  • Settlement n. 安置; 這裡是用來形容義大利人最初是在Matera 的cave dwelling “落腳” 安置在這個地方的。一般來說,settlement是用在我們搬家的時候,或是移居到另外一個地方時,需要 “安置” 所有的東西,包含了住處、車子、學校、工作等,等到這些事情都就定位時,就可以說 Everthing is settled down;


Japan's Taketomi Village uses limestone walls and garcinia trees as windbreakers

  • Limestone n. 石灰岩; 在日本的Taketomi Village (竹富村),房子的外牆都是用limestone所組成的;



  • Garcinia Tree n. 藤黃樹; 藤黃樹是用來擋風的;
  • Windbreaker n. 擋風; 阻隔風的工具或是道具; 這個字可以有很多不同的變化,通常在breaker前面加上一個名詞,就可以變成一個新的字,這個字通常的意思就是指破壞這個名詞的東西,比如說,heartbreaker就是 “傷害別人心的人”;

Matmata in Tunisia was Luke Skywalker's home in 2002 Star Wars prequel

  • Prequel n. 前傳; 通常比較常看到的是sequel,這是續集的意思。Prequel基本上就是把se-拿掉,換成pre-,而一個字之前加上pre通常就是表示 “在…之前”的意思。因此,Star Wars prequel就是星際大戰前傳的意思;


Salento, Colombia



Tucked among the verdant hills of Colombia's Coffee Triangle or eje cafetero region, Salento is a colorful town that attracts locals and travelers. These structures are built from native bamboo, a material that's well suited for this earthquake-prone region.


  • Tuck v. 擠身在; 這裡是指這個小鎮擠身在翠綠的山野中;
  • Verdant adj. 一片翠綠的;
  • Suited adj. 適合的; 合適的;
  • Earthquake-prone 這應該是兩個字合在一起; earthquake我想大家應該都知道是地震的意思,prone則是 “易於…” 或是 “比較會…”,所以earthquake-prone就是 “比較容易有地震的”;




Setenil de las Bodegas, Spain


Dating back to Medieval times, the whitewashed village of Setenil de las Bodegas, Spain, uses the open space that already exists. Its buildings were constructed outward and often upward from there.


  • Dating back 追朔到…某年某月某日;
  • Whitewashed adj. 白色洗滌過的; 這裡是指這個小鎮被白色洗過,也就是這裡的牆壁都是白的,你也可以把這個字用在希臘;


Kovachevitsa, Bulgaria


"The architectural style of the local houses has not been changed since the founding of the village (in the 17th century) and the only materials used are stone and wood," says Pavel Gospodinov, who runs photo walks and tours to Kovachevitsa, Bulgaria.

  • Founding n. 創建; 這裡是指這個小鎮的建造成立;
  • Run v. 這裡的run不是我們運動跑步的run,這個run指的是Pavel這個人在做 (運行) 的一個工作或是生意;


Shirakawa-gō and Gokayama, Japan


Located in the Japanese Alps, the once-isolated, rural mountain villages of Shirakawa-gō and Gokayama both sport a unique style of Japanese vernacular architecture known as Gasshō-zukuri -- distinct for their thatched, steeply slanting roofs resembling two hands in prayer.

  • Alps n. 阿爾卑斯山;
  • Vernacular 鄉土的; 白話的; 這裡是指合掌村裡面的房子都是日本鄉土建築,叫做合掌;
  • Distinct adj. 特別的; 特殊的; 與眾不同的;
  • Thatched adj. 茅草搭建的;
  • Slant v. 傾斜; 這裡是指合掌屋頂的傾斜度;
  • Resemble v. 像; 貌似; 表現出來的樣子就像是…; 這裡是指合掌屋頂就像是兩個手掌合十在禱告一般;


Wildwood, New Jersey


The motel boom of New Jersey's Wildwoods began in the 1950s. To differentiate lodgings, owners added flashy neon signs, bold colors, curved balconies and kidney-shaped pools, along with names evoking exotic and faraway locales like the Tahiti, Satellite and Eden Roc.

  • Boom n. 興盛; 通常是在講一個生意或是一個經濟狀況。另外還有所謂的baby boomer,這是指30或是40年次的那一代出生率極高,因為戰爭結束之後,大家生活比較安定,生活開銷也沒有現在那麼高,因此,這一代的人就是所謂的 “嬰兒潮”


Matmata, Tunisia


Star Wars fans might recognize Matmata, Tunisia, as the home of Luke Skywalker. The town's distinct architecture makes it seem otherworldly.


Taketomi Village, Japan


"Since the area (Taketomi Village in Japan) is often hit by typhoons and strong winds there's a need for protection," says Okinawa Tourism Board's Kazuya Oshiro. "This includes the limestone walls that surround the houses, [the planting of] garchinia trees to act as windbreakers, and tile-roofs -- which replace the older, more vulnerable thatched-roofs."


Alberobello, Italy


Alberobello in Italy has more than 1,500 trullis -- limestone dwellings capped by conical roofs that resemble beehives.


Bo-Kaap, South Africa


South Africa's Bo-Kaap is best known for its colorful homes, painted everything from lime green to bright pink. They first came about in the 1980s and early 1990s -- a symbol of free expression at the height of the anti-apartheid movement.


Matera, Italy


Matera in Italy has become a favorite Hollywood stand-in for ancient Jerusalem. Situated along a ravine known as "La Gravina," Matera is best known for its "sassi," ancient cave dwellings in the city's old town that date back to the 3rd century BC.


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