source: 點這看新聞來源
今日成語:a pain in the neck
[idiom] 原本是「眼中釘、肉中刺、讓人討厭的人、事、物」之意,這裡一語雙關,講的是使用智慧手機造成的肩頸酸痛問題
iPhone 5 開賣,儘管在發表會後批評聲浪不斷,但在美國的銷售情形比之前幾代都還要好。越來越多人投向智慧手機的懷抱,低頭族越來越多,也意味著我們的文明病又將多了好幾種。
文章開始第1~3段以假想情境的口吻獲取讀者共鳴,接著在第3~10段引出 “Text Neck” 這個新創詞,介紹這個新詞彙的來源、提出一個患者的案例,並且解釋為何有這樣的症狀產生。第11~13段提到 Text Neck 症狀可以追溯到六、七年前,不僅僅學童、青少年有這樣的症狀,成年人也難倖免,而且求診人數越來越多。14~16 段討論使用智慧手機與平板電腦時的姿勢也會讓新陳代謝下降。最後17~22段提出如何避免這種 pain in the neck:注意姿勢、多休息。文章有點長,單字可能比較深,但句型簡單,大家要有耐性讀下去喔!
第 1 段
Chances are you're reading this while leaning over a table or slumped back in a chair. Your head is tilted forward; your shoulders are curved.
* 「Chances are (that) + 子句」這個句型很常用,表示「很有可能......」,也可以代換成 It’s very likely / possible that + 子句
* slump [v.] 突然陷落、倒下
第 4 段
The position you're in is probably causing you pain, whether you're aware of it yet or not. Don't worry, physical therapists have a diagnosis for the headaches, neck cricks and achy shoulders. They call it "Text Neck."
* whether … or not「不論是否...」
* be aware of 「察覺到」
* diagnosis [n.] 診斷、診斷結果
* neck cricks 「脖子扭到、落枕」,crick 指的是肩頸的扭傷、痙攣
* Text Neck 「簡訊頸」text 原本指的是 text messages 簡訊,但文後又提到,這不只是打簡訊的問題,是玩遊戲、寄email也會產生的問題
第 11 段
"As you stretch the tissue for a long period of time, it gets sore, it gets inflamed," DiAngelis says. "The real question ... is 'What are the long term effects going to be?' "
DiAngelis 說「當你長時間伸展這些肌肉組織,就會越來越酸痛、然後發炎。」「真正的問題是,長期的影響為何?」
* inflamed [adj.] 發炎的
* long term effects 長期影響,long(-)term [adj.] 長期的
A lack of oxygenated blood flowing through the body can potentially lead to vascular disease. And gastrointestinal problems can be caused by pressure placed on the organs in a bad posture
* oxygenated [adj.] 充滿氧氣的,oxygen [n.] 氧氣
* vascular [adj.] 血管的
* gastrointestinal [adj.] 腸胃的,這個字是由 gastro- 「胃的」與 intestinal「腸子的」。英文中有 gastronomy 這個字,意思是「烹飪法」,而gastronome指的是「美食家」。
1. Do you have a smart phone or a tablet pc? If yes, how often do you check your smart phone to see if there’s new coming messages? If not, do you have friends that are addicted to smart phones?
-- Yes, I do have a smart phone. I find myself unable to leave without it, for I check my phone every 5 minutes when I am allowed to.
2. Do you suffer from Text Neck? What symptoms do you have?
-- Yes, I think I have Text Neck. I have a sore neck and shoulders, and besides, my back may ache from time to time.
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