Three personal shoppers defend their profession -- and fees. Here's the inside scoop on a luxury service some business travelers consider a necessity



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Personal shoppers: time savers and miracle makers. 

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相信很多人都有同樣的煩惱,每次出國旅遊回來,就會多帶了兩三公斤的體重回來,因為,通常跟團出遊,就是上車睡覺,下車尿尿,根本就很少機會可以活動到,而且,旅行社通常都是包三餐。 所以,除了到定點的景點走走之外,就是等著被餵食。而且,在渡假的時候,大家應該都會有同樣的心態,就想說,都出來玩了,哪管那麼多,先吃再說,反正就是要出來放鬆的,減肥等到回國再說吧結果,回家之後,站上體重計的那一剎那,就會從天堂掉到地獄一般的晴天霹靂阿! CNN現在就教你,旅遊不一定要按照固定的模式跟團出遊,你可以選擇一些不同以忘的旅遊方式,可以讓你玩得更充實,而且,甚至可以減肥喔!


(CNN) -- As the New Year begins and resolutions are proclaimed, it's usually time to bring out the fad books, hop on a one-week juice fast, and fail after two days. But when it comes to serious weight loss, many people are swapping their regular holiday for a weight loss vacation. By cutting off distractions to everyday life and work, these trips offer individualized fitness and diet plans intended to last well beyond a week or two. Today's best weight loss vacations offer fitness adventure, spa detoxing, or medical programs to help people reach their weight loss goals through good food, engaged activities and proven medical advice.


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The Palm, Dubai, UAE

There are several tour operators within Dubai offering boat tours of the Palm.

在杜拜的the Palm是用填海的方式人工填出來的島嶼


Aqueduct of Segovia, Segovia, Spain

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Barcelona, Spain

Canons are fired,fireworks are set off, and as the mayor hands them the keys to the city, the magic of the Magi officially commences.

They parade through the streets in a magnificent cavalcade of floats that includes camels, elephants,giraffes and dazzling costumes.



Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland

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身為加拿大人的我,在這個美麗的國家也住了蠻長一段時間,說實在話,這個國家真的有很多地方值得我們學習,就拿他的人民禮貌程度來說好了,在加拿大,開車在路上,一旦有行人要過馬路,不管有沒有紅綠燈,車子都一律會暫停下來,讓行人先過之後,車子在通行,也就是說,行人才是老大! 這樣的景況,在台灣根本不可能見到,台灣大部分的車子都是沒有在管行人的。這樣子的習慣和心態,讓當地人養成了禮讓和尊敬。接下來,我們來看一下,有哪十件事情是加拿大做得很好的吧!


1. Apologizing

It's not so easy to get a simple apology inmost of the world.

In Canada, apologies happen constantly-- "sorries" flying in from all sides like swarms of affable killer bees.

如同我所說的,加拿大人真的非常有禮貌。在路上,如果你跟人有所碰撞,或只是擋到別人的路,對方一定馬上會說Sorry! 這已經變成他們的習慣,進而影響到他們的行為,讓加拿大人也變得更加友善

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1. Learn to like your traveling companion: You

"But I'll be lonely!"

It's perhaps the most common cry from people who've never traveled alone.

"No: You won't," writes Andrew O'Hagan in a New York Times blog

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1. Getting around: Quality of public transportation, affordability and availability of cabs, transport time



2. Value: Bargain opportunities, such as sale seasons and average prices.


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Prague, Czech Republic

With its snow-capped spires and cobbled, winding streets, Prague is a fairytale city that remains relatively tourist-free in the winter months.

The stunning architecture looks even prettier under a sheet of snow, with one of the most beautiful areas being the old town, with its turrets and Romanesque vaults.



Salzburg, Austria

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