6 charged in human trafficking scheme involving Thai workers / 六名人士因販賣泰國人口而被起訴
新聞來源 :
I can only say that this crime-ridden world is filled with too much evil.
Violent Crimes / 暴力犯罪
murder = 謀殺
negligent manslaughter = 誤殺、過失殺人
robbery = 搶劫 ( 以武力要脅 )
aggravated assault = 重傷害, 暴力傷人
Property Crime / 財產犯罪
burglary = 入室 / 入車內行竊
larceny / theft = 偷盜罪
motor vehicle theft = 竊車
arson = 縱火
shoplifting = 商店竊盜
vandalism = 損毀罪
Financial Crimes / 經濟犯罪
money laundering = 洗錢
identity theft = 身分盜用
fraud = 詐欺
embezzlement = 侵占
insider trading = 內線交易
kickbacks = 回扣
Sex Crimes / 性犯罪
child molesting = 性侵 / 猥褻幼童
sexual assault = 性侵
forcible rape = 強姦
sexual harassment = 性騷擾
Others / 其他
drug dealing = 販毒
bribery = 賄賂
piracy = 非法複製、盜版、海盜罪
human trafficking = 人口販賣
Please express your opinions on the light sentences given to the child molesting cases that happened lately.
What punishment would you suggest ?
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