Explainer: Why Europe is protesting / 歐洲為什麼要抗議 ??
新聞來源: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/BUSINESS/09/28/europe.strikes.sovereign.debt/index.html?hpt=C1
今日單字: protest [v.] = 抗議、反對
(一) 今日單字的其他意思,變化及片語
protest [v.]
1. 堅決聲明、力言 ( e.g. The accused protested his innocence. )
protest [n.]
1. 抗議活動、異議 ( e.g. The protest will be held outside the courthouse. )
protestation [n.]
1. 抗議活動、反對
2. 堅決聲明、斷言
protester [n.]
1. 抗議者、反對者
2. 斷言者
protestingly [adv. ]
1. 反對地、抗議地
(二) 相關字及片語
strike [n.]
demonstration [n.]
march [n.]
rally [n.]
(三) 延伸討論
Protests and strikes are quite common in Europe, in fact several have taken place just this year.
They are not so common in Taiwan as workers here usually bottle up their dissatisfaction.
Recently, a young engineer " worked himself to death " but the company refuses to pay compensation.
Do you think we should protest against the unreasonable hours of overtime that companies are " forcing " workers to put in ?
Tell us what you think by commenting below.....