發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2011-08-30 China: Food safety violators to face death penalty / 中國: 違反食品安全條例者將面臨死刑 (94) (0)
2011-08-30 Why is America the 'no-vacation nation'? / 美國為何是「沒假放」的國度 ?? (82) (0)
2011-08-30 IMF chief enjoys generous salary, perks / 國際貨幣基金總裁的薪資高、福利多 (48) (0)
2011-08-30 Japanese lab invents Internet kissing machine / 日本發明線上接吻機器 (131) (0)
2011-08-30 White iPhone 4 goes on sale Thursday -- really / 白色iPhone 4 週四要開賣了 -- 真的!! (54) (0)
2011-08-30 Hong Kong: A property boom you can feel / 香港: 熱的發燙的房地產業 (81) (0)
2011-08-30 Best-paying college major: engineering / 最賺錢的科系: 工程學系 (116) (0)
2011-08-30 Radiation in seawater off nuclear plant spikes to 1,250 times normal / 核電廠臨近海域的輻射量上升到正常的1,250倍 (23) (0)
2011-08-30 Tsunami aid and relief: How you can help / 海嘯救援及救濟: 你可以如何幫助日本 (35) (0)
2011-08-30 Japan names new foreign minister / 日本任命新外交部長 (21) (0)
2011-08-30 We're a nation of germophobes / 人人都是细菌恐懼症者 (335) (0)
2011-08-30 Quake hits fragile New Zealand economy / 地震重創紐西蘭原本就脆弱的經濟 (127) (0)
2011-08-30 Seven-time Tour winner Armstrong makes retirement official / 7屆環法自由車賽冠軍阿姆斯壯正式宣布退休 (36) (0)
2011-08-30 Asia welcomes Year of the Rabbit / 亞洲歡喜迎兔年 (14) (0)
2011-08-30 Florida lawmaker wants teachers to grade parents / 佛羅里達議員要讓老師們幫家長打分數 (144) (0)
2011-08-30 'Barefoot' grandmothers electrify rural communities / 赤腳阿嬤們協助鄉下區域供電 (26) (0)
2011-08-30 How to outsmart the airlines / 智勝航空公司 (145) (0)
2011-08-30 South Korea tries to contain foot-and-mouth outbreak / 南韓試圖阻止口蹄疫疫情持續擴散 (49) (0)
2011-08-30 12 ways of giving -- without reaching into your wallet / 12種不動用到錢包的捐助方法 (51) (0)
2011-08-30 S. Korea to hold large live-fire drills on Thursday / 南韓週四將進行大型實彈演習 (59) (0)
2011-08-30 New iPhone app translates foreign-language signs / 新的 iPhone app 可翻譯外文招牌 (452) (0)
2011-08-30 Helmet-wearing gunman robs Bellagio casino of $1.5 million in chips / 戴安全帽的持槍歹徒劫走「貝拉吉歐」飯店150萬美元的籌碼 (26) (0)
2011-08-30 Pompeii faces ruin for a second time / 龐貝古城面臨二度毀滅 (46) (0)
2011-08-30 China to hand out its own peace prize / 中國將頒發自己的和平獎 (27) (0)
2011-08-30 How to nominate a CNN Hero / 如何提名一位CNN 英雄 (158) (0)
2011-08-30 Students across Britain protest tuition hikes / 英國學生抗議學費激增 (50) (0)
2011-08-30 13 nations meet to try to save wild tigers / 13國為了拯救野生老虎齊聚一堂 (22) (0)
2011-08-30 China's nouveau riche reclaim nation's lost antiquities / 中國暴發戶們收回國家失去的古董文物 (38) (0)
2011-08-30 Ancient Egyptians' spells were 'passport' into paradise / 古埃及咒語是進入天堂的通行證 (131) (0)
2011-08-30 Google redraws the Nicaraguan border / Google 重畫尼加拉瓜邊界線 (16) (0)
2011-08-30 China's Hu tops Forbes 'most powerful' list / 中國胡錦濤登富比世「最有權勢」榜首 (16) (0)
2011-08-30 The modern tech CEO: Barefoot and 21 / 光著腳的21歲現代科技業總裁 (280) (0)
2011-08-30 UN: Cholera cases in Haiti's capital are a 'worrying development' / 聯合國: 海地首都的霍亂疫情令人擔心 (36) (0)
2011-08-30 Corruption survey: Somalia is the worst / 貪污調查: 索馬利亞最糟 (40) (0)
2011-08-30 Why your job is making you depressed / 你的工作為何使你感到沮喪 (2003) (1)
2011-08-30 The 10 most annoying smartphone habits / 十個最討人厭的智慧型手機使用習慣 (290) (0)
2011-08-30 Court in UAE says beating wife, child OK if no marks are left / 阿拉伯聯合大公國法院判定: 只要不留痕跡就可毆打妻兒 (20) (0)
2011-08-30 FDA approves Botox as migraine preventive / FDA核准使用肉毒桿菌當偏頭痛預防性藥物 (51) (0)
2011-08-30 All 33 Chilean miners could be home by Sunday / 33 名礦工應可在週日前返家 (9) (0)
2011-08-30 Sex, scandal and the death of online privacy / 性、醜聞 及 線上隱私之死 (244) (0)
2011-08-30 Hungarians fear new wave of toxic red sludge / 匈牙利人民怕新一波有毒紅污泥 (13) (0)
2011-08-30 5 secrets you shouldn't keep from your GYN / 不該隱瞞婦科醫生的五個祕密 (309) (0)
2011-08-29 China's and Japan's leaders meet, signal a diplomatic thaw / 中日領導會面 象徵外交關係回溫 (116) (0)
2011-08-29 Man arrested in connection with quadruple slayings / 男子因涉嫌四屍命案被逮捕 (19) (0)
2011-08-29 North and South Korea reach deal to reunite families / 南北韓達成協議讓被分離的家庭重聚 (30) (0)
2011-08-29 Explainer: Why Europe is protesting / 歐洲為什麼要抗議 ?? (28) (0)
2011-08-29 Very creative little white lies told to children / 對小孩子說的創意小謊言 (41) (0)
2011-08-29 Balloon helps Parisians breathe easy / 氣球協助巴黎市民輕鬆呼吸 (31) (0)
2011-08-29 China, Japan relations sour in dispute over fishing captain / 中日關係因漁船船長紛爭而惡化 (26) (0)
2011-08-29 Latest Guinness World Records: From the amazing to the wacky / 最新的金氏世界記錄: 從驚奇到奇怪 (116) (0)