Florida lawmaker wants teachers to grade parents / 佛羅里達議員要讓老師們幫家長打分數


新聞來源: http://us.cnn.com/2011/US/01/26/florida.grading.parents/index.html


今日單字:  grade  [v.]  =  打分數、給...評分


(一) 今日單字的其他意思、變化及片語


grade  [v.]

1.  將...分等級、將...分類  ( The apples are graded and priced. )

2.  屬…等級

3.  把 ( 路面 或其他的平面 ) 築平、減少坡度  ( The workers graded the road with a bulldozer. )

4.  改良品種  ( Farmers grade livestock by crossbreeding with purebred stock. )


grade  [n.]

1.  等級、級別、階段

2.  美國學校的年級  ( My daughter is in fifth grade. )

3.  成績、評分  ( Her grades improved this year, so she got a scholarship. )

4.  坡度、傾斜度


degrade  [v.]

1.  使降級、降低...的地位  ( He was degraded due to the failed project. )

2.  降低...的品格 (或質量、價值等)


upgrade  [v.]

1.  使升級、提高、提升  ( He was upgraded to first class. )

2.  提高...的價格



(二) 好用俚語、成語及名言


Grade someone down ( on s.t. )


e.g.  We had to grade you down on your test because of your spelling.


Make the grade


e.g.  This essay doesn't just make the grade; it's extremely well-written.



(三) 延伸討論


Do you think this would also be a good idea for our country ??

I think it would be a great thing.

As a teacher, I often witness how the lack of parental involvement affects a child's behavior and grades.

Parental guidance is vital to the development of a child's personality and social skills.

 What do you think....should parents be graded too??








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