Pompeii faces ruin for a second time / 龐貝古城面臨二度毀滅
新聞來源: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/12/10/pompeii.left.to.crumble/index.html?iref=allsearch
今日單字: face [v.] = 面臨
(一) 今日單字的其他意思、變化及片語
face [v.]
1. 面向、面對 ( e.g. The house faces the lake. )
2. 正視、承認 ( e.g. Let's face the truth and deal with the problem. )
3. 將表面用另一種物質覆蓋 或 塗蓋 ( The bronze statue was faced with gold. )
face [n.]
1. 臉、面
2. 面容、表情
3. 面子、尊嚴 (e.g. He fought back his tears as he didn't want to lose face. )
4. 自信、厚顏、好意思 ( e.g. I can't believe she still has the face to show up here. )
5. 表面、正面 ( 常用來說錶 或 牌 )
(二) 好用俚語、成語及名言
vanish off the face of the earth
make a face ( faces )
put one's face on
化妝 ( 等於 put on makeup )
face the music
(三) 延伸討論
Although there is cultural value in preserving historical ruins, maintaining those places just takes too much money.
With Europe's current economy, is it really wise to be spending money ( that they clearly don't have ) on buildings that
are slowly falling apart.
Would the money be better used elsewhere ?
Think about all the starving children that could be fed and educated with the money.
Tell us what you think about the situation by commenting below.....