Quake hits fragile New Zealand economy / 地震重創紐西蘭原本就脆弱的經濟


新聞來源: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/BUSINESS/02/22/new.zealand.earthquake.economy/index.html


今日單字:  fragile  [adj.]  =  脆弱的虛弱的



(一) 今日單字的其他意思、變化及片語


fragile  [adj.]

1.  易碎的易損壞的  ( e.g.  Please be careful when handling the fragile glass vase. )

2.  纖細的精細的  ( e.g.  She's too fragile to make the trip alone. )


fragility [n.]

1.  脆弱  ( e.g.  Its fragilty makes it difficult to move. ) 

 2.  易碎性


fragileness [n.]

與 fragility 相同,但較常用fragility

1.  脆弱 

 2.  易碎性



(二) 好用俚語、成語及名言


“Most men act so tough and strong on the outside because on the inside, we are scared, weak, and fragile. Men, not women, are the weaker sex.”  -- Jerry Rubin


“Like fragile ice anger passes away in time.”  --  Ovid


“Man is harder than iron, stronger than stone and more fragile than a rose.”  --  Turkish Proverb


“Democracy is not a fragile flower; still it needs cultivating.”  --  Ronald Reagan



(三) 延伸討論


Why does an earthquake affect a country's economy ??

Some of the answers are in the article, read it and see if you understand the reasons.

Share your thoughts with us by commenting below....






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