新聞來源: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/10/26/global.corruption.survey/index.html
今日單字: corruption [n.] = 貪污、 賄賂
(一) 今日單字的其他意思,變化及片語
corruption [n.]
1. 腐壞、腐爛
2. 訛用、訛誤 ( e.g. Computer users play a major role in the corruption of languages. )
corruptionist [n.]
1. 行賄者
2. 贊成行賄的人
corrupt [v.]
1. 賄賂、 收買 ( e.g. He tried to corrupt the judges.)
2. 墮落、腐化 ( e.g. Life in a big city can corrupt one's soul.)
3. 訛用
corrupt [adj.]
1. 貪污的、腐敗的
2. 墮落的、 邪惡的 ( e.g. His life was corrupt and without purpose. )
3. 訛誤的、走樣的
corruptible [adj.]
1. 易賄賂的
2. 易腐敗的
corruptibility [n.]
1. 賄賂性
2. 腐敗性
(二) 好用成語及名言
" Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. " -- Lord Acton
「 權力使人腐化,絕對的權力使人絕對的腐化。」 -- 艾頓爵士
(三) 延伸討論
The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is scored on a scale with ten as the highest score.
Less corruption means higher score.
This year, Taiwan places at no. 33 in the world with a score of 5.8
It's a small improvement ( 4 places ) from last year.
What do you think of this score ?
Did you expect it to be higher or lower ?
In what ways has corruption affected Taiwan ?
Tell us what you think by commenting below....