Helmet-wearing gunman robs Bellagio casino of $1.5 million in chips / 戴安全帽的持槍歹徒劫走「貝拉吉歐」飯店150萬美元的籌碼
新聞來源: http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/12/14/nevada.bellagio.robbery/index.html
今日單字: chip [n.] = 籌碼
(一) 今日單字的其他意思、變化及片語
chip [n.]
1. 屑片、碎片
2. 缺口、缺損處
3. 薯條 ( 偏英式的用法 如...fish and chips )
4. 洋芋片
5. 晶片 ( 也可稱microchip )
6. 無價值的東西
chipping [n.]
chip - proof [adj.]
chip [v.]
1. 小塊小塊的削下、鑿下
2. 把某物切成薄片
3. 在某物上造成缺口、形成缺口、碎裂
chip in [phr.]
1. 插嘴、加入談話 ( May I chip in ? I'm interested in this topic. )
2. 湊錢、攤錢 ( Let's all chip in and buy her a present. )
(二) 好用俚語、成語及名言
chip off the old block
與父親或母親相似的人 ( 不論是相貌或性格皆可 )
e.g. Jack is as handsome as his dad. He's a chip off the old block.
when the chips are down
在關鍵時刻、危急關頭 ( 請想像在賭場「買好離手」的時刻 )
(三) 延伸討論
Do you think this is an inside job ??
I find it hard to believe that a random guy is able to sneak past the security system.
With the amount of money they have there, the guards must be well - trained and equipped.
How does something like this happen ???
Maybe it's an insurance scam.
What do you think ??