Court in UAE says beating wife, child OK if no marks are left / 阿拉伯聯合大公國法院判定: 只要不留痕跡就可毆打妻兒
今日單字: beat [v.] = 打擊、毆打
(一) 今日單字的其他意思,變化及片語
beat [v.]
1. 跳動、拍打 ( e.g. My heart beats violently whenever I see him. )
2. 攪拌 ( e.g. An electric egg beater is useful when baking. )
3. 打敗、贏過 ( e.g. She beat me in maths, but I got better grades in English. )
4. 難倒、使困惑 ( e.g. Beats me. = 我不知道 )
beat [n.]
1. 敲打、打擊聲
2. 搏動、心跳 ( e.g. My heart just skipped a beat. )
3. 拍子、節奏
beat [adj.]
1. 筋疲力盡的
2. 垂頭喪氣的、有挫折感的
beating [n.]
1. 因受處罰而被打或揍 ( e.g. The boy got a beating from his father. )
2. 打敗
3. 跳動、脈動 ( e.g. The beating of her heart was loud and clear. )
beatable [adj.]
1. 可打的
2. 可打敗的
(二) 相關字及片語
domestic violence
spousal abuse
child abuse
(三) 延伸討論
The UAE court says that it's OK to " punish " or " discipline " wives and children.
The children part, I understand. Sometimes kids are just so naughty that punishment is needed.
However, if your wife is an equal, why is it OK to discipline her ??
What do you think about this ruling ?
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