How to outsmart the airlines / 智勝航空公司
今日單字: outsmart [v.] = 智取、比...更聰明
也就是用一個動詞就可以表達 「A比B好」的概念。
可以不用去管倒底是要加 er 還是要加 more,方便又好用,真的很建議大家學起來喔。
這一系列的動詞都由 " out " 當字首。
Out 可以代表「超出」或「超過」,也就是用來表示 A 在某方面強過 B。
基本句型是: A out********* B。
1. outbalance = (在價值或重要性方面) 勝過
2. outbid = 在開價 (或報價) 上戰勝
e.g. The other company outbid us.
3. outbloom = 開花比...茂盛
4. outbrave = 以勇氣勝過
5. outbuild = 比...建得更多 或 更好
6. outburn = 比...燃燒得更久
7. outclass = 比...更高級、階級上比...高
8. outclimb = 比...爬得高
9. outdo = 勝過、超越、做得更好
e.g. She really outdid herself this year.
10. outdraw = 比...更能吸引人
11. outdrink = 喝酒勝過
e.g. He is impossible to outdrink.
12. outfly = 在飛行速度上超過
13. outfox = 以計擊敗
14. outgrow = 長得比...快 (或大、高)
e.g. He outgrew me over the summer.
15. outlast = 較...經久、可以用比較久
e.g. Our batteries will outlast other brands.
16. outlive = 比...活得長、較...經久
e.g. My grandmother outlived her husband.
17. outlook = 比...好看
18. outmaneuver = 運用策略擊敗
19. outmarch = 在行軍速度和耐力上勝過
20. outnumber = 數量上超過
e.g. The protesters outnumbered the police.
21. outperform = 在操作 或 性能上勝過
e.g. Our new model outperforms all previous models.
22. outplay = 勝過、打敗
23. outpoll = 得票超過
24. outpsych = 以心理影響擊敗
25. outrace = 在賽跑中勝過
26. outrank = 階級高於、地位高於
27. outrival = 在競爭中取勝
28. outrun = 跑得比...快 或 遠
e.g. She escaped by outrunning her kidnapper.
29. outsail = 航行得比...快
30. outscore = 得分超過
31. outsell = 賣得比...多、在推銷上勝過
32. outshine = 比...更優秀、使失色
e.g. Her sister outshines her in every aspect.
33. outsing = 比...唱得好
34. outsit = 比...坐得更久
35. outsparkle = 比...更閃亮
36. outspeed = 把...拋在後面
37. outspend = 開支比...更大、花的比...多
e.g. Never outspend your income.
38. outstay = 比...逗留得更久
e.g. They have outstayed their welcome.
39. outstep = 超過...之限界
40. outstrip = 超過、勝過
41. outtalk = 講贏
42. outthink = 比...想得更正確或更快
43. outtongue = 比...會說
tongue = 舌頭
44. outtop = 高出
45. outtrick = 以詭計勝過
46. outvalue = 比...更有價值
47. outvote = 通過投票擊敗
48. outwear = 比...經久
49. outweigh = 比...重、比...更重要
e.g. This fish outweighs them all.
50. outwit = 智勝、以機智勝過
Try make some sentence below to get used to using these words.
Remember...the passive voice will also work.
e.g. She was outwitted by her daughter.