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2013-05-03 China closes poultry sale in third city after bird flu outbreak! (98) (0)
2013-04-19 South Korea warns North of 'strong response' to any attack (148) (0)
2013-04-15 Hong Kong ranks highest for 'billionaire' properties (111) (0)
2013-04-12 5 things to know about the new pope (100) (0)
2013-03-29 Asia's most 'innovative' city is... (237) (0)
2013-03-29 Researchers: Toddler cured of HIV (178) (0)
2013-03-15 Why I'm quitting Facebook (898) (0)
2013-03-08 Five things to look out for at biggest mobile tech show (155) (0)
2013-03-01 Beyonce's Super Bowl halftime show (370) (2)
2013-02-08 Visualizing greatness: How Novak Djokovic rose to the top (255) (0)
2013-02-01 Inaugural speeches 總統的就職演說 (159) (0)
2013-01-25 5 memorable moments: Winners, one-liners and surprises at Golden Globes (82) (0)
2013-01-18 Boateng makes racism walkout vow/種族歧視問題究竟該如何解決? (288) (0)
2012-11-16 Greek strike shuts down country ahead of cliffhanger austerity vote (976) (0)
2012-11-02 The 25 worst passwords of 2012/本年度最爛密碼 (525) (0)
2012-10-26 Breast cancer prevention: What every woman should know/女人照過來:乳癌防治 (916) (0)
2012-10-19 Would you pay US$50 for a cup of elephant dung coffee?/要不要來一杯台幣1500的大象便便咖啡啊? (235) (0)
2012-10-19 ‘Gangnam Style' dominates UK chart/江南Style攻佔英國流行單曲排行榜 (242) (0)
2012-10-12 Lady Gaga posts nearly nude pics/女神卡卡自PO幾近全裸照片! (597) (0)
2012-10-05 Your smartphone is a pain in the neck/智慧型手機讓你肩頸酸痛 (944) (0)
2012-09-21 New York health board approves ban on large sodas/紐約衛生局擬禁售大杯汽水 (349) (0)
2012-09-14 Hong Kong abandons mandatory classes seen as pro-Beijing / 香港放棄被視為親中的洗腦國教課 (329) (0)
2012-09-07 Is It Worth Buying Organic? Maybe Not /有機產品真的比較好嗎?那可不一定.... (653) (0)
2012-05-18 Argentine law lets people identify own gender / 阿根廷新法讓人民自己認定性別 (1345) (0)
2012-03-09 'Dog Whisperer' Cesar Millan on adopting the right dog / 「狗語者」西薩·米蘭教你如何領養最棒的狗 (1500) (1)
2012-02-24 Five joys of traveling solo / 獨自旅行的五個樂趣 (2411) (2)
2012-02-10 Infants at greatest risk for child abuse / 嬰兒最易面臨虐待的威脅 (762) (0)
2012-01-20 Are schools making kids sick? / 學校使人病 ? (501) (0)
2012-01-13 The man who wants to translate the Web / 想翻譯整個網路的男人 (267) (0)
2011-12-30 Six tips from your future self / 來自未來自己的六個建議 (1078) (0)
2011-12-30 Put e-gifts in virtual stockings this holiday / 今年聖誕在虛擬的聖誕襪中放入電子禮物吧 (340) (0)
2011-12-14 South Korea pulls plug on late-night adolescent online gamers / 南韓在深夜「斷線」,禁青少年線上打電玩 (164) (1)
2011-12-14 Afghan woman's choice: 12 years in jail or marry her rapist and risk death / 阿富汗女子的抉擇: 坐12年牢 或 嫁給強姦她的人及面對死亡的威脅 (98) (0)
2011-11-23 Google opens online music store and free storage locker / Google 發表線上音樂商店和免費的儲存空間 (131) (0)
2011-11-14 How to cut your risk of memory loss / 如何減少記憶力喪失的機率 (936) (0)
2011-11-14 16-foot python devours deer in Florida / 佛羅里達州16英尺長蟒蛇吞食整頭鹿 (74) (0)
2011-10-18 Thailand flooding: Fear brings people together / 泰國水災: 恐懼使人們團結一心 (285) (0)
2011-10-18 Transgender kids: Painful quest to be who they are / 跨性別孩童: 堅持自我的艱難挑戰 . (100) (0)
2011-09-28 NASA not sure where space junk will come down / NASA不確定太空垃圾將落在何處 (281) (1)
2011-09-28 Are dental X-rays dangerous ? / 照牙科X光危險嗎 ? (796) (0)
2011-09-28 Mexican city plans to train citizens to fire guns / 墨西哥城計畫訓練市民射擊槍枝 (44) (0)
2011-09-28 Does your emergency kit have a cell phone? / 你的災難包裡有手機嗎 ? (154) (0)
2011-08-30 Hayao Miyazaki:The world's greatest animator/宮崎駿:世上最棒的動畫師 (12949) (0)
2011-08-30 HP is Wintel's latest victim / 惠普是「微特爾」最新受害者 (131) (0)
2011-08-30 Memphis school principal found dead in classroom; student held / 孟菲斯學校的校長被發現陳屍教室內,一名學生被拘捕 (69) (0)
2011-08-30 Study: Tweens aim for fame above all else / 研究顯示: 吞世代重視名氣勝於一切 (145) (0)
2011-08-30 Rare gibbon community found in Vietnam / 在越南發現罕見白頰長臂猿群 (56) (0)
2011-08-30 South Sudanese celebrate the birth of their nation / 南蘇丹歡慶建國 (66) (0)
2011-08-30 Harry Potter adventures to be continued... online《哈利波特》的冒險將在網上延續 (193) (0)
2011-08-30 Google adding search by voice, pictures / Google 將增加語音及圖片搜尋 (38) (0)